how to force npc
cast a spell in dialogue.
examples of OK cutscenes.
Garius kill Lorne or Qara make fireball.
Many thanks!
Thanks in advance for your time and
any advice.
I understand scripting very badly
I can only make change scripts a little
spell script
void ActionCastSpellAtObject(int n808, object oLorne, int nMetaMagic=METAMAGIC_ANY, int bCheat=TRUE, int nDomainLevel=3, int nProjectilePathType=PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT, int bInstantSpell=TRUE);
i know sheme how to create script (i only began read book )
STEP ONE: What does your script do?
STEP TWO: Which approach should we take?
STEP THREE: Think about the variables we will be working with.
STEP FOUR: Declaring Variables
STEP FIVE: Add More Features
STEP SIX: Adding More Features
i dont know all scripting rules
so i tried do this
STEP ONE: What does your script do?
script must create animation cast spells and create vfx.
script must run when on conversation. when npc_garious say
keyphrase(something like :pizza time!)
(donāt know wherte find event hook
on user defined event script ?
STEP TWO: Which approach should we take?(donāt know)
STEP THREE: Think about the variables we will be working with.(donāt know)
STEP FOUR: Declaring Variables(Y=keyphrase)
STEP FIVE: Add More Features(donāt know)
STEP SIX: Adding More Features(donāt know)
judging because the function exists it should work
why is this script not working? (i put it in actions in dialog)
or maybe this function not working in cutscenes.(or becasuse i donāt have event hook ad other steps)
i hope spell script ok
but i think need make check tag speaker
need make this
Declaring Variables
need Variable Y
when Y true npc_garious said keyphrase;= true run script;
when Y false npc_garious donāt say keyphrase;=make DelayComand ;
maybe Y must be string variable but i donāt know how to check this in script language.
so what i get
i have
1 condition
need check Y
if Y true
run spell script
if Y false
how to put this all together?
i try also use ga_cast_fake_spell_at_object but it not work donāt know why .
Many thanks!
// 20_cs_trialend
// Black Garius chides his minions for a job poorly done
// EPF 1/5/06
#include āginc_debugā
void MyPlayCustomAnimation(object oObj, string sAnim, int bLoop)
void main(int nScene)
object oPC = GetPCSpeaker();
object oBG = GetNearestObjectByTag("garius",oPC);
object oLorne = GetNearestObjectByTag("lorne",oPC);
object oTorio = GetNearestObjectByTag("torio",oPC);
object oSound;
effect eIgnition = EffectNWN2SpecialEffectFile("fx_ignition_red");
case 1:
case 2: //garius kills Lorne
// AssignCutsceneActionToObject(oBG, ActionCastFakeSpellAtLocation(SPELL_FIREBALL,GetLocation(oLorne)));
// AssignCommand(oBG, ClearAllActions(TRUE));
AssignCommand(oLorne, SetIsDestroyable(FALSE,FALSE,FALSE));
AssignCutsceneActionToObject(oBG, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, EffectSavingThrowDecrease(SAVING_THROW_ALL,100), oLorne));
AssignCutsceneActionToObject(oBG, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, EffectSpellResistanceDecrease(100), oLorne));
//cast 1: lorne lifted off the ground
//AssignCutsceneActionToObject(oBG, ActionPlayAnimation(ANIMATION_LOOPING_CAST1, 1.f, 2.f));
PlayCustomAnimation(oBG, "gen_conjureloop",TRUE);
AssignCutsceneActionToObject(oBG, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectNWN2SpecialEffectFile("sp_necromancy_cast"),OBJECT_SELF));
DelayCommand(0.3, MyPlayCustomAnimation(oLorne,"mjr_conjureloop",TRUE));
//cast 2: lorne is ignited
oSound = GetNearestObjectByTag("20_sfx_lorne_scream",oLorne);
DelayCommand(0.8f, MyPlayCustomAnimation(oBG,"%",FALSE));
DelayCommand(1.f, MyPlayCustomAnimation(oBG,"sp_touch",FALSE));
DelayCommand(1.3f, AssignCutsceneActionToObject(oBG,ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eIgnition,oLorne,2.9f)));
DelayCommand(1.5f, SoundObjectPlay(oSound)); //Lorne screams
//cast 3: bg casts finger of death
DelayCommand(4.f, MyPlayCustomAnimation(oBG, "sp_lightning", FALSE));
DelayCommand(4.2f, AssignCutsceneActionToObject(oBG,ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectNWN2SpecialEffectFile("sp_finger_of_death"),oLorne)));
DelayCommand(4.4f, MyPlayCustomAnimation(oLorne,"%",FALSE));
DelayCommand(4.5f, MyPlayCustomAnimation(oLorne,"collapseB",FALSE));
DelayCommand(5.2f, AssignCommand(oLorne, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectDamage(GetCurrentHitPoints(oLorne) + 11), oLorne)));
// AssignCutsceneActionToObject(oBG, ActionCastSpellAtObject(SPELL_FINGER_OF_DEATH, oLorne,METAMAGIC_NONE,TRUE,9));
// AssignCutsceneActionToObject(oBG, ActionCastFakeSpellAtLocation(SPELL_FINGER_OF_DEATH,GetLocation(oLorne)));
AssignCutsceneActionToObject(oBG, ActionWait(9.f));
// PrettyDebug("BGās tag = " + GetTag(oBG));
// PrettyDebug(āCurrent garius action is " + IntToString(GetCurrentAction(oBG)));
// PrettyDebug(āGarius has " + IntToString(GetNumActions(oBG)) + " actions pending.ā);
// PrettyDebug(IntToString(GetNumCutsceneActionsPending()) + " cutscene actions.ā);
//just in case he resists
// DelayCommand(2.f, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_HIT_SPELL_NECROMANCY),oLorne));
Many thanks!
Thanks in advance for your time and
any advice.