I need to edit the PC hit points in a save game. Did anyone know about an utility able to do this. An alternate solution to my problem would be to know where (byte adress) to find the player HP numbers in the .SAV file, to change them with a standard hexadecimal editor.
The only way I can think of at the top of my head, would be to change your character’s Constitution with debugmode. It won’t allow you to choose an exact hitpoint number, but you should be able to get pretty close to what you need.
Since I don’t know how well traversed you are with debugmode, I’ll include the basics below, just in case:
While in-game after loading your save file, activate DebugMode:
Type ##DebugMode 1 in the chat bar.
Type ##dm_setCON x in the chat bar.
(just replace the x above with the number of constitution points you want to try out. Note, that there needs to be an actual space between the N and the constitution number/points (x), for this to work)
When you are done, type ##DebugMode 0 in the chat bar, to cancel debugmode.
If this doesn’t work for you, don’t hesitate to ask for more help.
And may I ask, what you seek to accomplish by setting a specific hitpoint number on your PC?
What’s your goal?
Solved the problem with Proleric’s method and learned something… I didn’t know that if you rename the file extension .sav to .hak you could load it on Nwhak ! (and access all save ressources if needed).
Once loaded it was fair game to extract module.ifo, modify current hit points with GFFEditor, remove the old module.ifo, import the new modified module.ifo in my savegame. Just exporting the updated savegame.hak and renaming it to .sav did the trick. I think there will be no problems at level up cause i did not touch max hitpoints and my edited hit points where under max hit points cap.
I was trying to salvage a important save game. After a lot of long hard playing, my PC was wounded and had the bad luck to make a save in a very creative, epic trap infested zone… and bad mojo made the save just fractions of second before one of the 220 HP+ electrical trap killed my barbarian. So when i loaded my botched save, i would quasi instant die ! The only way out was to restore my HP to more than 230HP to survive the electric shock
in a gesture of shameless, nigh despicable, self-promotion, i offer this article on the “Hak Trick” – along w/the question : how can players w/similar questions to @CaveGnome’s find the article more easily?
how would you like to see it improved?
hmm… …maybe some examples or something?
many module developers like to write names that take up whole paragraphs, though, [Quests of the arcane vorpal bunnies IV - the thumping in the darkness REBORN! v.10 beta FINAL blabla] – so i thought : ‘let’s just be safe…’ ;-p
Hmm, an example how to replace a corrupted script would be helpful … leaves the problem how to find the script in the mod an fix it. This requires a lot of experience …
It’s about time to get this one into Alpha state! Then “beta FINAL blabla” could be omitted, which makes the filename significantly shorter.
I suppose one way I fix a script would be to fix it in he source module, compile it, then insert it into your save game module? I’d never really thought of that… would be cool if you could patch your module/save games for your players…
good idea. i’ll amend the article to make that clear.
i don’t run ee. if you could let me know what the path is, i’ll update the article w/that too.
yes, but i prefer suggesting a single simple rule [‘rename it to x.hak’] for two reasons. first, although you can always right-click and ‘open with…’, it’s easier to just double-click on a hak file and have it open in the hak tool. more importantly, having this single simple rule to follow improves chances of success w/o frustration by helping neophytes avoid the long filename limitation [which would often still be problematic using the ‘open with…’ approach] while at the same time accessing the file more easily. [and parenthetically it also makes the reference clearer in the aricle.] all that aside, you make a good point. i’ll add a comment mentioning it in the article.
article updated !
hopefully that will save a few folks from the dread demons of gameplay frustration. @CaveGnome thanks for the impetus to get this done !