I have a gem socketing crafting system I use. I have had this issue for a couple of years and have tried to find out why I keep getting +1 gems for example to duplicate or quadruplicate to either +2 or +4 when socketed on a weapon.
Now I have other similar issues where I drink a potion (two potions in my module seem to be affected by this bug) where it dies the effect (loops) four times too.
Or some spells I have introduced too…for example the blink spell causes me to blink non-stop…I have to exit the game…or a congregate spell causes everyone to teleport to me over and over again.
Regenerating creatures when killed I get 4x the xps for the kill
250 xps
sometimes it does this 8 times…sigh
I looked at the script I thought might be causing this…on the module event script but I can’t find the issue. I am no scripter here…can someone please help? I add my onactivateitem script below…Like I said I am no scripter and over the years I had several people help me…so please don’t judge…lol
PART 1 of Script due to word limit:
//the following is the verbatim wrapper script as used in the SoU:OC Ch 1
// -Merentha
// x1_itemactivate
Common script to be used as OnActivateItem script for
all modules. Executes the script with a name matching
the tag of the item being activated. Functions like
GetItemActivator() and GetItemActivatedTarget() will
work in these scripts, since they are being executed
from the perspective of the module itself. ???
Credit for this idea belongs to tjm, who posted it to
//:: Created By: Naomi Novik
//:: Created On: 09/27/2002
#include “lilarcor_include”
#include “x2_inc_switches”
//#include “horse_inc_h”
#include “pjr_chat_inc”
#include “xs_detonate_loc”
#include “x3_inc_horse”
#include “zep_inc_phenos”
#include “nw_i0_generic”
#include “sd_portable_inc”
#include “blsg_h”
#include “JS_I0_DMTCHK”
#include “cs_activate”
#include “x0_inc_portal”
#include “x2_inc_plot”
#include “_town_crier_inc”
#include “x2_inc_itemprop”
void main()
ExecuteScript(“cr_onact”, GetItemActivator());
ExecuteScript(“dmfi_activate”, GetItemActivator());
//:: Prototypes
object oPC = GetItemActivator();
object oItem = GetItemActivated();
object oActivator = GetItemActivator();
object oTarget = GetItemActivatedTarget();
location lActivator = GetLocation(oActivator);
string sItemTag = GetTag(oItem);
object oPlayer = GetItemActivator();
string sPlayer = GetPCPlayerName(oPlayer);
//fudge time item …found in custom misc. other…made it so PC’s now can use this rather than just DM
object oUser=GetItemActivator();
location lLoc=GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
string sTag=GetTag(oItem);
AssignCommand(oUser, ActionStartConversation(oUser, "ld_con_fudge", TRUE));
// Global Economy Tool …found in custom misc. other…made it so PC’s now can use this rather than just DM… this script is also below for DM
AssignCommand(oUser, ActionStartConversation(oUser, “kpb_wand”, TRUE));
// Item Advancement …found in custom misc. other…made it so PC’s now can use this rather than just DM … this script is also below for DM
AssignCommand(oUser, ActionStartConversation(oUser, "kpb_timetool", TRUE));
else if(sTag==“OtherItemsYouWantToActivate”)
//---------------------------------START DLA DM HORSE WIDGETS-----------------------------
if (GetTag(oItem) == "horse_dismt2")
AssignCommand(oActivator, ActionStartConversation(oActivator, "horse_dismnt_dla", TRUE));
// Paladin Unsummon//
if (GetTag(oItem) == “horse_unsummon”)
object oPaladin = GetItemActivator();
AssignCommand(oPaladin, HorseUnsummonPaladinMount());
//---------------------------------START CEP HORSE WIDGETS-------------------------------
// Summon White Pony
if (sItemTag == “SummonHorse”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “henchman_pony”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Pony”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Pony"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Spotted Pony
if (sItemTag == “SummonHorse2”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “henchman_ponysp”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Pony”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Pony"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Brown Pony
if (sItemTag == “SummonHorse3”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “henchman_ponybn”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Pony”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Pony"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Black Horse
if (sItemTag == “SummonHorse4”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “henchman_horsebk”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Brown Horse
if (sItemTag == “SummonHorse5”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “henchman_horse2”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Nightmare
if (sItemTag == “SummonHorse6”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “henchman_horsenm”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon White Horse
if (sItemTag == “SummonHorse7”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “henchman_horsewt”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Aurenthil Horse
if (sItemTag == “SummonHorse8”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “henchman_horseau”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// CEP widget dismount
if (sItemTag == “horse_dismt”)
object oPC = GetItemActivator();
//if (GetTag (GetItemActivated ()) == “horse_dismt”) {zep_Dismount (oPC, “horse_dismt”);}
string sResRef = GetLocalString(oPC,“PONY_ID”);
zep_Dismount (oPC, “horse_dismt”);
SetLocalInt(oPC, “VAR_HORSEMOUNT”, 0);//horselord class variable
//remove horse support DLA Style
object oRider=GetItemActivator();
DelayCommand(1.0, HORSE_SupportOriginalSpeed(oRider));
DelayCommand(1.0, HORSE_SupportRemoveMountedSkillDecreases(oRider));
DelayCommand(1.0, HORSE_SupportRemoveACBonus(oRider));
DelayCommand(1.0, HORSE_SupportRemoveHPBonus(oRider));
object oTarget;
location lPc = GetLocation(oPC);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, sResRef, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPC, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPC, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse/Pony"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon CEP/DLA Horse Managemet to dismiss a Horse
if (GetTag(oItem) == “Horse_Management”)
AssignCommand(oActivator, ActionStartConversation(oActivator, “horse_magmt”, TRUE));
// Summon Pack Camel
if (sItemTag == “SummonCamel”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “henchman_pkcamel”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Camel”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Camel"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Pack Horse
if (sItemTag == “SummonpkHorse”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “henchman_pkhorse”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Pack Ox
if (sItemTag == “SummonpkOx”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “henchman_pkox”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Ox”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Ox"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Pack Pony
if (sItemTag == “Summonpkpony”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “henchman_pkpony”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Pony”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Pony"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon CEP Flying System
if (GetTag(oItem) == “fly_widget”)
AssignCommand(oActivator, ActionStartConversation(oActivator, “fly_control”, TRUE));
//---------------------------------START DLA HORSE WIDGETS-------------------------------
// Summon Walnut Horse Scale Barding
if (sItemTag == “Horse_1”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “dla_hvywarhorse2”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Walnut Horse Leather Barding
else if (sItemTag == “Horse_2”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “dla_hvywarhorse3”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Walnut Horse Red Barding
else if (sItemTag == “Horse_3”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “dla_hvywarhorse4”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Walnut Horse Chain Barding
else if (sItemTag == “Horse_4”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “dla_hvywarhorse”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Walnut Horse
else if (sItemTag == “Horse_5”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “dla_horse001”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Purple Jousting Horse
else if (sItemTag == “Horse_6”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “dla_jousthorse1”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Blue & Gold Jousting Horse
else if (sItemTag == “Horse_7”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “dla_jousthorse2”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Black & White Jousting Horse
else if (sItemTag == “Horse_8”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “dla_jousthorse3”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Red & Gold Jousting Horse
else if (sItemTag == “Horse_9”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “dla_jousthorse4”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Red & Black Jousting Horse
else if (sItemTag == “Horse_10”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “dla_jousthorse5”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Gunpowder Grey Horse
else if (sItemTag == “Horse_11”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “horse002”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon Green Jousting Horse
else if (sItemTag == “Horse_12”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “jousthorse002”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */
// Summon White Jousting Horse
else if (sItemTag == “Horse_13”)
object oPc = GetItemActivator();
location lPc = GetLocation(oPc);
location lWyrmling = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
object oWyrmling = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “jousthorse003”, lPc, TRUE);
/////////////////////////////////////// name the horse //////////////
SetName (oWyrmling, GetName(GetItemActivator()) + “'s " + " Horse”);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWyrmling))
AddHenchman(oPc, oWyrmling);
}/* end then (valid owyrmling) */
AssignCommand(oPc, ActionSpeakString("Invalid Horse"));
}/* end else (valid owyrmling) */