how do I increase the amount of pics of items I can use?
I went to the base items 2da and put in the max column 255 but I still can’t see the pics I can choose beyond 118.
Help anyone.
Also, what vfx line is the smoke coming out of the mouth? I have looked but can’t seem to find it. I found puff of smoke but that puff comes out of the ground. I want to use it for the winter breath as found here:
Do you mean it_talmisc? which is the standard miscellaneous large. Increasing the count in the base 2da is the way to do it. Make sure you name it properly when adding the icon to your resources, so if the last one is iit_talmisc118, make your new one iit_talmisc119, and so on.
Also, you’ll need to close the module and re-open it to see the newly added ones. Sometimes, if your module is big, the toolset can be stubborn and you need to refresh the item palette to see the new icons in your appearance menu.