In the NW2 toolset, how do you control party creation in a mod, and how many characters can be in it?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Usually (at least that’s how I do it) you have a script under Module Properties, in the slot On Module Load Script, where you can set a function that looks like this:


As far as how many, without looking at the toolset, I remember you can edit it in the campaign tab.

Or, for insight:

SoZ Party Max Override

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Where is that exactly?

I just looked at an older NWN2 installation of mine.

I started the toolset and chose:

Plugins → Campaign Editor (which opened the
“CampaignEditorForm”) → under “Name” highlighted “Neverwinter Nights 2 Campaign” → In a now populated pane on the right, under “Behavior”, a value of PartyCreationSize was set to default “4”.

So, I guess the Campaign Editor plugin is needed…

In the past, I’ve changed the value to 6, or greater.

Good Luck,


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I don’t have time to check into it very deeply, at the moment.

I don’t remember having a problem setting the party Max size with the toolset.

Here is a thread I just happened to stumble across just now. It’s from 2019, which may still be viable. It discusses a problem with the toolset saving new values.

Campaign Editor

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I just worked on that, The party is all set by script. And script variables. You can manage with conversations or use the Party GUI XML file.


How do you load your own campaign?

If it’s correctly installed it should appear in the campaign list when you launch the game.

I will soon have something to submit to tests about this.

I tried to change the party creation to true in the original campaign editor, but it didn’t add a party thing.

All party settings in the toolset are a lie. Nothing is functional or is relevant.

You need to do it all ny yourself witht he scripting editor and eventually the GUI XML files.

The easiest way is to work with conversations. The best way is to open module or campaign where it works and see how it is done, and use it.

If you want to do it with conversions you can look into Baldur’s gate reloaded.

If you want to do it with a GUI, you can look in the orirignal campaigns/modules.

Yeah. Apparently, the Campaign Editor doesn’t save your edits correctly.

The other override files I listed earlier raises the party max to 15.

Check it out as an example of one way to do it.

You definitely do not need to write up custom scripts or implement your own xml gui if you want OC or SoZ style party management.

I added SoZ style full party creation to Path of Evil by just using the standard game resources that were imcluded in SoZ. It probably took less than a day of checking the properties of the party log book in the SoZ start area to see what script it ran, and then what the script calls which other scripts so I could copy them from the SoZ files to my campaign. The ui for it is built in as well.


I couldn’ have them work from “stock version”, I had to adapt them, and change some stuff that where specific to the OC.

What is the simpliest way to add party creation to my mod?

Check SOZ module and Inn Area, and take what they did. they launch a GUI from a script.

You need the script, the GUI and all the script associated with the GUI. a lot of them might be in NWN2 Data, so it may work with only the script calling it.

I think someone did a patch for it to work in the OC. He has probably trimmed it a lot. Checking his work and using it in your setting could also be a good option.

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What Shallina said. The SoZ intro and inns have the book you click on to start up the party creation GUI, and it’s just a matter of tracking down which scripts get called.

I have that but I can’t find it. Is it x1? I don’t have any module files

They should be in your installation directory, not the modules folder in My Documents.

The following took less than 5 minutes:

Check out Kaldor Silverwand’s “Silverwand’s Sundries”, specifically “The Deck of Trumps” item.

From the file page:

"This item is a Deck of Trumps that can open the Party Editor introduced with SoZ. Use this to summon aid at any time rather than having to travel to an inn. This does not manage cohorts, only player created characters.

Inspired by Roger Zelazny’s Amber Chronicles."

So, this morning, I downloaded the Sundries, unzipped it.

In a clean directory, I placed “” into the override folder, and unzipped it.

I started a “New Module”, started the “Uninvited Guests” module, and chose a character.

Once the module was loaded, debug mode was started, and I gave the Deck of Trumps to the character.

For the heck of it, I ran:
rs ga_party_limit(6)

Exited debug mode.

I opened the character’s inventory and activated the new item.

The SoZ party selection menu came up correctly and listed all of the default saved characters.

I was unable to “add” the characters, though. I didn’t have time to delve into why, but it may be due to some setting in the module, and or the menu works correctly in campaigns.

Just food for thought. The SoZ party menu was accessed quickly and easily.

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