I am fed up with my game crashing when I save so wanted to install my GoG version but I’m a bit worried about deleting things I’ve made with the toolset.
Any tips on how to get it all back as it was without wiping anything ? I’ve copied and pasted the folders with things in from my documents… Campaigns, modules, local vault, override, saves and the template folder from the C app data toolset bit into another folder and will move the originals out before wiping my original game
try to remember anything you’ve put or done there (eg. modified Dialog.Tlk) and at least copy-out your \Plugins folder safely. There may be other stuff like 3rd party terrains …
also rename
C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\NWN2 Toolset
C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\NWN2 Toolset_Tsongo
to save your toolset settings (rename it back after reinstall). It might be safe as is, but hey …
And … wait for others to chime in here; better wait than sry :\
Consider putting all the moved stuff into an archive (*.7z, *.zip, *.rar, whatever). Then put it into a different folder. You should be safe from losing anything then and once reinstalled you can either keep the archive just in case or delete it.
I second what the others are saying here. When I installed a fresh GoG version on my laptop it was quite easy. I just took the whole MyDocuments\Neverwinter Nights 2 folder from my other computer and overwrote everything in the fresh install. And of course, just like kevL_s is saying, backup your plugins folder and if you have custom stuff in your other folders, from the installed game folder (whatever it is called on your computer, I mean the Not-My-Documents folder) and put the things you have there into the new install. If you do all that there should be no problems at all, I think.
andgalf… thanks, I haven’t touched the game folder and only have one plugin ( in my downloads anyway ) so that’s all good. I’m going to stick what I’ve moved into an external hard drive and put it in a Faraday cage now !
I know it shouldn’t be and defies logic, but this is a bit scary
I know how you must feel, but I think you should be safe if you do all the things that kevL_s suggested. If you do all that, I can’t think of anyway things would get screwed up.
EDIT: I know one time I accidentally changed settings in the toolset, but there was an easy way to reset the toolset to the default settings. How to do that (which I can’t remember at the moment) I have a txt file in one of my folders. So if that somehow happens to you, I can check that txt file.
andgalf… Thanks, I’ve done it now and just tested it… It’s all working well. To be on the safe side I deleted the Neverwinter Nights 2 documents folder on my laptop and put in the one I was saving on my hard drive, swapped and tested it and that was fine.
At least that way if I messed it up on the PC I had an extra copy of the working version on the laptop too and knew that I had everything.
I was really concerned about my latest campaign and the override which I spent ages going through while deleting things I’m not using in the campaign.
Good news is my old original Neverwinter Nights 2 lives on too because the new version went into GOG Games but it can have a rest now… Like me, I’m fed up with moving stuff and watching green lines creep across the screen as things move.
R-Mod… I didn’t uninstall it and GOG never asked about wiping it. I think it’s because it goes in a different folder ( GOG Games not just Neverwinter Nights 2 ). But the part in documents wasn’t there when I installed it from GOG and I think only appears when you start the game and exit ( it’s there now ).
That was the bit I was worried about as that’s where all my toolset workings live and saves etc. So maybe the game itself would automatically wipe it when it makes new folders and I really couldn’t trust all that stuff to me ticking a box and leaving it up to the computer to decide what I meant.
But I got away with it and it’s all back to normal now which is all that matters, it’s definitely better to be safe than sorry.