As the title says, is there any “official” way to do it? Since AoE are objects rather than effects, i can’t check using the effects functions.
I don’t think so … you’d sorta have to modify the AoE spellscripts and flag the created AoE-objects with the subtype (or some other no-dispel flag)
but in ‘x0_i0_spells’ the dispel-AoE functs simply check for duration type PERMANENT - meaning it’s basically an aura on a character and can’t be dispelled.
So, the only way it would be using local variables? I checked the script so, with this SetLocalInt(oAoE, “X1_L_IMMUNE_TO_DISPEL”,10) the AoE should be immune to dispel effects.
as long as it’s set on an AoE-object
as long as any/all dispel-AoE scripts check that and bypass, yep