LEGO Dungeons & Dragons

How many of you are annoyed by LEGO winning the contest to represent D&D during its fiftieth anniversary?
Apart from finding it excessively expensive and bulky, I also find it not very representative. Luckily, compared to the original proposal, they fixed the dragon, which previously had nothing to do with D&D.
I don’t know, rather than a single large set I would have released an entire dedicated line, so that someone could only buy the things they liked about D&D.
I’m a big fan of LEGO and D&D and at the moment I’m very disappointed.
Of course, if I had money to waste I would buy it, but I still wouldn’t be satisfied with the purchase.

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Now “Lincoln Logs” needs to join the fun. Anyone remember Lincoln Logs? Oh boy, I’m getting old! :slight_smile:


d&d is getting sillier and sillier. i think they must’ve plane-shifted 5e from the Plane of Marketing Agents, and firmly embedded the nail in the coffin w/the ‘one d&d video’. so now we see lego in the mix – the zombified post-life version of a once-great idea. i mean, i actually like lego – but what does lego have to do w/d&d? it’s just one more way for Wixers of the Coast to grab a few more gp.

i used to love those things!!
i remember they used to stain your lips though.
