I have Mask and Storm installed. I can’t seem to level up past lvl 20 in the OC though. I tested it in MotB and it worked just fine. Any way to get to 30 in OC?
open the toolset
goto View|Options|General and set Autosave=False
Okay that, and goto File|Open …
browse to your <installation>\Modules directory
open any one of the OC modules (eg. “1000_Neverwinter_A1.mod”)
goto Plugins|Campaign Editor
select “Neverwinter Nights 2 Campaign”
change Modifiers|LevelCap to 30
change Modifiers|XPCap to 561000
press the “Save Campaign” button at the top.
close all, gtg
EDIT: you could probably bypass opening a module and go straight for the Campaign Editor plugin …
either way, this operation should rewrite the file Campaign.cam in your oc campaign folder – so you might want to back that file up first (although i don’t anticipate any probls…)
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