Years ago I used to play and loved it. But circumstances. I recently purchased nwn off of GOG. There used to be a mod that was essentially a department store where you could upgrade characters and weapons etc. Anyone remember this and is it usable with the GOG version? Thanks for reading.
Hi @Bigdoomo it’s Dustin.
I use two in-game character builders.
For NWN1: Campaign Stockpiles - Store & Character Manager (CEP Version) | The Neverwinter Vault
thank you. the department store one is it. Is it compatible with the GOD edition?
Sorry I meant GOG edition.
99.9% of modules are compatible with EE (I think I’ve only heard of one instance), so you should be good.
Thanks as i said it has been rather a while. Are there any guides for installing these cep and hak files!?
Any module with haks needs the files in their right place, usually hak and tlk folders.
For CEP2 I’d grab the latest, 2.71.
FYI, CEP3 is not part of CEP2. It’s great, but won’t let you play CEP2 modules.
If you like playing on PWs NWSync is a thing now and you don’t need to download haks for them, the data is automatically downloaded for you. This isn’t hak files, but the assets in the hak files, it’s weird, but great for the multiplayer community.
I want to install the department store file mentioned above.
Download it and follow its directions.
If not you just need to drop the module in the modules folder, hak files in the hak folder, and tlk file in the tlk folder.
This folders are all in your “my documents/Neverwinter Nights/“ folder.
Hi @Bigdoomo , @Qlippoth is right. Once you get the module installed properly, it should just work. It requires the Community Expansion Pack (CEP) project also be installed.
So, make sure you get the CEP project also: CEP 2.x (Community Expansion Pack) | The Neverwinter Vault
and use the CEP 2 version of the Campaign Stockpiles module.
The file archives are compressed. This free softwre ($0 cost & open source) and highly regarded program is needed to uncompress them:
That one is one of the absolute best for NWN1 for sure, in my opinion
I’m also a fan of Pretty Good Character Creator
By the way, Feel free to check out my list Birger’s NWN Recommendations, whenever you feel the urge to play something, both old and new