Looking for Mystery Placeable

It’s been a while since I’ve found this plant placeable. Can’t remember exactly where I got it from (duh) - I call it the “Blu Inky”. It’s an exotic looking plant with three distinct leathery leaves and is neon blue in color. If memory serves, I seem to recall getting it from the Custom Content Catalog. Still can’t find it though. Has anyone seen this plant in a hak or module. Wish I had a pic to share with you! Anyone seen it lying around their hard drive somewhere?

Thanks guys…

That sounds like the cave plant from NWN2.

Thanks for the reply Zwerkules. Well that is a fine model, it isn’t the one I was searching for. The plant is shorter, and the leaves were thicker - with all three leaves rising up then suddenly drooping sharply downward.

Maybe it was an effect of glowing on a normal placeable?

Nope. No FX.