Looting Animation Sticks

I’m using a system that places a corpse object on a dead mob that when clicked will play the get low animation and open a lootable inventory where random loot is generated.

I’m having a weird issue with the looting animation. It plays the animation but if I move the character around my weapons are invisible until I stop moving. Which it seems the original get low animation finishes and my weapons reappear.

Here’s the script calling the animation. Is there something that should be changed to prevent the animation from hanging on when the PC moves around after initiating the animation?

void main()
object oPC = GetLastUsedBy();

       if (GetIsOpen(OBJECT_SELF))
           AssignCommand(oPC, ActionPlayAnimation(ANIMATION_LOOPING_GET_LOW, 1.0f, 600.0f));

Oh it’s literally set to looop for 600 seconds. My bad. Adjusting to 5 seconds and testing.