Hello guys!
I play nwn2 original campain and some important conversation with companions disapiered which change influence, when finally figured out what i wanna play…
Reinstalled the game, but now i got less money from Galen for the fur of Daughen, so i decided look for help.
Thanks for the answers and best wishis!
You don’t need to reinstall the game to start a new game. You can strategically save the game before important events, and do them over if you want a different outcome.
yeah i reloaded and tried and tried agein but the conversations disapiered. in the gravyrad when Neeshka wants me to say dead iv dead, and the starting convesation of the black valley when she wants me to say sometimes survive iv more important, disapiered…
well actually 3 conver sation di sapiered which change influence…
anyway if somebody intere sted in from tiefling one can make a very OP eldricht knight duelist multiclass character.