Hi All,
I was quite surprised at how much damage a PC can do in some situations … My wife plays more than I do, and I noticed that she did 81 damage in one hit! I was so surprised, I actually did a debug to check if it was correct.
Her 9th level fighter was wielding a +3 Great Axe two-handed and scored a critical hit while under the influence of Bulls Strength … The fighter also had Power Attack. Wielding the two handed weapon gave her 1.5 normal damage bonus, as well as double the normal +3 power attack bonus to +6. Then everything got tripled due to the critical hit! There were a couple of other bits and bobs going on, which probably cancelled each other out, but the result of 81 against the goblin made mincemeat of it!
Any other stories of large damage scores being made out there?
I mean, I’m sure there are, but what would be considered normal or large for a 9th level fighter PC … or what have your PCs hit for damage that you can recall?
Cheers, Lance.