Lute on NPC's back

I’m searching for something like a lute that is shown on an NPCs back. On Discord one told me that this might be possible through a vfx with Heeds PC Tools. However, when trying it, I could only get the game to show the lute in the NPCs hand. Does anyone know or have a model for this? I thought that maybe someone had made a belt that you could use, where it looks like a lute is strapped on to the back of the character.

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Here you go then :wink:
There’s one version as a cloak (both male and female humans), same as a belt, and I also made a placeable for the vfx option (but due to the differences between male and female skeleton, the attachment point for the back ap_back [this is where you want the vfx to play] is farther away for the male character, so the lute will be located farther from the mesh). (2.3 MB)
The cloaks and belts will work for all human-based races (elves, half-elves, etc…) provided you clone them so hh? becomes ee? etc…
I didn’t make the versions for half-orcs, gnomes and dwarves.


@4760 - Thank you! You come to the rescue as always! Thank you for all the stuff you make for my modules! I can’t thank you enough!

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