Make Up Your Own Title

Make up your own title for this one …


WotC has never asked a customer’s gender identity before taking their money.


flaming balrog appears with a vorpal sword

“Stop, this makes me uncomfortable.”


Some alternate titles:

  • “Fantasy games soon to be as dreadful as reading Reddit, sources say”
  • “Neverwinter Nights 3? You may want Something Else 1”

Whenever I read articles like this I take a glance at the calendar.
However we’re nowhere near April 1, so I guess this is serious.


I remember the “Satanic Panic.” In the end it only increased sales as people wanted to know what the fuss was about.

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That’s the rub. This is the modern marketing strategy - “look at how [woke/based/racist/sexist] this is!” Same song and dance as the satanic panic stuff, honestly, just different people aiming it at different audiences. The salacious sells.


that’s exactly what it is. The execs don’t care about ‘woke’ – they just go “Oh, this is the new wave, let’s roll with it.”

But they lack the depth to see how insane it is …


What’s insane? D&D has always been entirely open, hell, look at the original pamphlets for the game, minimal rules, no setting, just make up your own thing from whole cloth. And that is how it was played ever since. Having premade settings helps those who wanted guard rails / framework for their creativity and basic rules of expectation and conduct at the table.

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I also believe the new PHB “rules” are insane!

I mean, I just don’t know how I survived playing D&D in the past without my ability to raise a hand when I became “overwhelmed”. :roll_eyes:

i.e. You learn to take the “rough” with the “smooth” and learn about life, without trying to turn real life into fantasy!


What’s insane?

In this case, it’s profit-driven corporations assuming it’s their responsibility to teach morality.


To quote that random social media user: “Wanting all your players to have fun is good actually”.


… and side step the odd law suit or two.

More to the point, I’ve never been in a PnP game that didn’t didn’t reflect the values and norms of the DM/players, rules notwithstanding.


I have, several times actually - its why I’ve gotten pretty reticent about virtual table tops. However, putting things in the rulebooks about that isn’t going to solve it. The kind of people whom transgress these boundaries are not going to be deterred by some words on paper, or a screen.

What does is … cultivating a healthy and accepting community, and you don’t do that through force of arms … quite the opposite in my experience. It tends to poison the well.

Good groups need trust, and if you’re always wondering if someone’s going to come for you, that never comes.

There’s a reason all of my successful D&D tabletop has been with friends.


We still allow Christianity, no complaints there?

Anyway, those new expectations may bring new players ($) to the table that would not have been comfortable in the past.

Anyone who isn’t interested in dealing in good faith with a group won’t follow those rules anyway, and you just ban them from the table. There is no enforcement by the rules alone.

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do we? Imagine what would have happened if they’d inserted the [censored] into the rulebooks?

Then why are they doing it ?


Inclusivity and openness grows the player base. I think I’ve been saying that unsuccessfully for a while now.

Used to be you had to worry about players trying I rape each others PCs,especially if a female player was present, some groups still accept that behavior, most don’t anymore.

Make gatekeeping more difficult and more people will play. There’s no point to it other than to sabotage the game.


well … if kids have been fantasy raping each other … i guess there’s a point to it …

(man, id love to DM that session)


Jeez, you know it must be a slow news day for the Daily Fail if its reporting on stuff from this long ago. Must be trying to felate the muskrat after he got told they’re not selling D&D so he can kill the brand like he did to Twitter

Also ‘races’ and ‘species’ are both bad words for the character choices. Tiefling, Aasimar and Genasi aren’t races or species. Pathfinder got it right with Ancestry, but even that has issues with Warforged

I mean its a better way of handling a Whizzard situation than socking the DM in the face