I did something like this in my recently released module for NWN2. I had a conversation where you could choose the instrument (if you were a bard that is, otherwise you’ll never get this), then I ran the stock script ga_music_set (maybe that’s available for NWN1 as well?) on the node, and a simple script where I jumped the PC to a waypoint and ran the animation for the instrument of your choice. As usual I have no idea if this would work on NWN1, but…well, the script for jumping the PC and playing the animation was something like this:
void JumpPC(object oPC)
object oWP = GetObjectByTag("bardperform");
AssignCommand(oPC, ClearAllActions());
AssignCommand(oPC, ActionJumpToObject(oWP));
void PlayCustomAnimationVoid(object oObject, string sAnimation, int iLoop = 0, float fSpeed = 1.f)
PlayCustomAnimation(oObject, sAnimation, iLoop, fSpeed);
void main()
object oPC = GetFirstPC();
The stock script in NWN2 (ga_music_set) for playing the music of your choice looks like this:
// ga_music_set
Set background music in current area to track nTrack
nTime will have the following effects:
nTime = 0: Change both Day and Night tracks
nTime = 1: Change Day track only
nTime = 2: Change Night track only
As of 8/23/06, this was the track indexing. The latest can be found in ambientmusic.2da.
From NWN1:
1. rural day
2. rural day 2
3. rural night
4. forest day
5. forest day 2
6. forest night
7. generic dungeon 1
8. sewer
9. mines 1
10. mines 2
11. crypt 1
12. crypt 2
13. evil dungeon 1
14. evil dungeon 2
15. slums day
16. slums night
17. docks day
18. docks night
19. city wealthy
20. city market
21. city night
22. tavern 1
23. tavern 2
24. tavern 3
25. rich house
26. store
27. good temple
28. temple evil
29. nwn1 theme
30. nwn chapter 1 theme
31. nwn chapter 2 theme
32. nwn chapter 3 theme
33. nwn chapter 4 theme
34. rural battle 1
35. forest battle 1
36. forest battle 2
37. dungeon battle 1
38. dungeon battle 2
39. dungeon battle 3 (stinger)
40. city battle 1
41. city battle 2
42. city battle 3
43. city boss battle
44. forest boss battle
45. lizard boss battle
46. dragon boss battle
47. aribeth boss battle
48. end boss battle
49. good temple 2
50. castle
51. aribeth good theme
52. aribeth evil theme
53. arren gend theme
54. maugrim theme
55. morag theme
56. tavern 4
From NWN1 Expansion 1
57. desert battle
58. desert day
59. winter day
60. winter battle
61. desert night
From NWN1 Expansion 2
62. x2 Theme
63. waterdeep theme
64. undermountain theme
65. rebel camp
66. fire plane
67. queen (?) theme
68. frozen hell
69. dracolich
70. small battle
71. medium battle
72. large battle
73. hell battle
74. boss battle 1
75. boss battle 2
From NWN2
95. west harbor theme
96. githyanki theme
97. githyanki battle
98. west harbor blown up
99. swamp
100. docks battle
101. docks battle looped
102. dungeon
103. neverwinter theme
104. neverwinter interior
105. west harbor attack
106. back alley
107. king of shadows combat
108. king of shadows theme
109. village
110. sunken flagon
111. crossroad keep theme
112. illefarn ruins theme
113. murder
114. ammon jerro theme
115. back alley battle
// EPF 8/23/06
const int TIME_BOTH = 0;
const int TIME_DAY = 1;
const int TIME_NIGHT = 2;
#include "ginc_sound"
void main(int nTrack, int nTime)
object oPC = GetPCSpeaker();
object oArea = GetArea(oPC);
if(nTime == TIME_BOTH || nTime == TIME_DAY)
if(nTime == TIME_BOTH || nTime == TIME_NIGHT)
MusicBackgroundChangeNight(oArea, nTrack);
OBS! You need to set the local int through the dialogue and the stock script ga_local_int first. I would guess you have that stock script for NWN1?