the “trigger” - if a number is specified it’s a SpellID. If a tag is specified it’s a mundane crafting recipe. If “ALC” or “DIS” is specified it’s for Alchemy craftings.
recipes within Categories must be kept grouped together (see below)
a list of comma-delimited tags, in alphanumeric order (uppercase before lowercase)
nothing to do with what we normally think of as “tags”. Tags here define what baseitem-type of (object)Item a recipe can be applied to. Allowable constants are defined in the #include file(s). If prefaced with a “B” that means that the constant(s) are row IDs in BaseItems.2da – if not prefaced with a “B” the constants are TCC-item-types
comma-delimited; if a “B” has been prefixed to a list of Tags, it applies to all entries in that list. This is to say that a list of so-called Tags is either all baseitem-types or all TCC-itemtypes.
This is an EncodedIP. A list of 5 comma-delimited integers encodes the parameters of an itemproperty. If there is more than one itemproperty that’s to be applied by a recipe, they are delimited by semi-colon(s).
not needed when Enchanting a pre-existing item – is used for “Item Creation”. Specifies the resref of a resulting (created) item.
The FeatID required to do the recipe when enchanting or the SkillID that will be checked to do mundane crafting.
if enchanting: The minimum casterlevel required to do the recipe.
if mundane: The minimum ranks in “Skill” required to do the recipe. See “Skill” above.
OC-style crafting uses a whacky system of dividing Crafting.2da into subsets of triggers (read: Categories). This is why, in Crafting.2da, all triggers need to be kept grouped together. To find the recipe, the scripts start searching Crafting.2da at a given trigger’s Start ID (“START_ROW”) and stop searching for the right recipe at the row before the next START_ROW (or they reach the end of Crafting.2da, whichever comes first).
A recipe trigger (aka Category) in Crafting.2da.
Specifies the row in Crafting.2da for the scripts to start searching for a recipe ID’s properly corresponding reagents and tags (compared against what’s in the crafting container when a recipe is attempted).