Shallina… Thank you that explains a lot, I was also wondering why they don’t move out of the way and keep coming back when they are in the party. I’ve got them leaving now using the ga_hangout set and go to scripts. But they still wont go off to their waypoints to disappear from !
andgalf… Your post arrived as I was replying to Shallina. What happens is…
1st conversation… One companion walks off, but doesn’t because she comes back !
2nd conversation… The companion that was supposed to be on the other side of the room, leaves the party and goes to her waypoint ( this bit works fine )
3rd conversation… Next companion walks off to another part of the tavern ( but doesn’t leave ! ) she then gets stripped ( fine and things in right place ), given an outfit ( doesn’t work she’s naked ) and goes to her waypoint which works fine.
Last companion… Stripped and jumped to waypoint, no problem all works because he never walks off and he’s not naked without armour on.
This is the script for the equipping of the naked companion and it’s taken from one of yours it compiles but does nothing.
Chopped up script by andgalf with excerpts from a script by travus,saving my brain once again 4/9/21.
void main(string sCompaniontag)
object oPC = GetFirstPC();
object oCompanion = GetObjectByTag(sCompaniontag);
object oItem = GetObjectByTag("reaper_outfit");
DelayCommand(0.2, AssignCommand(oCompanion, ActionEquipItem(oItem, INVENTORY_SLOT_CHEST)));
I can’t get the whole script in a box it all went mad ! Thanks for your one ( masterfully looking neat and tidy in the right sort of box ) but I’m alright as it is at the moment apart from naked companions and ones that are stuck to the player when they should be walking off for a bit ( still in party just elsewhere ).
edit… Fixed the script thanks andgalf !