First off let me say hi to you all. I’ve been missing in action for a spell. It’s good to be back. Now off to this Meenlock problem.
I’ve got a Meenlock “posed” inside a walkable science tube placeable, frozen with -
// On Spawn code.
void main()
// Freeze animations.
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, EffectVisualEffect
DelayCommand(1.0, SetCommandable(FALSE, OBJECT_SELF));
Problem is that in game he just defaults to the floor. I need him suspended inside the tube at height…
The intended effect is a creepy science experiment you stumble upon when you enter the room. Bubbling beakers and caldrons a 'plenty, then you begin to notice all of the lab creatures in their science tubes,
So I ask those in the know, what do you know? Help.
EDIT: Not quite certain if this post is even in the right forum. Suppposed to NWN rx forums. ?