Mean little Meenlock!

First off let me say hi to you all. I’ve been missing in action for a spell. It’s good to be back. Now off to this Meenlock problem.
I’ve got a Meenlock “posed” inside a walkable science tube placeable, frozen with -

// On Spawn code.

void main()
    // Freeze animations.
    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, EffectVisualEffect

    DelayCommand(1.0, SetCommandable(FALSE, OBJECT_SELF));

Problem is that in game he just defaults to the floor. I need him suspended inside the tube at height…
The intended effect is a creepy science experiment you stumble upon when you enter the room. Bubbling beakers and caldrons a 'plenty, then you begin to notice all of the lab creatures in their science tubes,
So I ask those in the know, what do you know? Help. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Not quite certain if this post is even in the right forum. Suppposed to NWN rx forums. ?

Creatures always spawn at ground height, but, assuming you’re using NWN EE, SetObjectVisualTransform() will instantly make it appear to be at the desired height.

Thanks for the response Proleric. Will give this a try.
Edit: I’m using NWN EE.

Worked great. Little guy is suspended in his tube. Thanks for the pointer.