Hey, guys.
So, as the title says, opening a merchant’s window causes the game to crash. The problem seems to be the armor page specifically. Sometimes the game just skipped it entirely (i.e, it opened on the weapons page, and if I tried to manually go to the armor page, it would crash). Now, though, it just opens to the armor page, which results in an immediate crash. Furthermore, some of my items are invisible in my inventory (they take up space, but have no icons and can’t be clicked). Yet if I quit the game and open it up again, some of these items reappear and others disappear instead. I’m getting the feeling that Saleron’s Gambit old CEP requirement is contradicting with the new CEP or something to that effect, but I can’t be sure.
Anyway, I’m posting the crash log below. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
=== Props
os = windows
target = nwmain
time = 1611117998
exception = c0000005
binaryChecksum = md5=5e366503925a3d0735d031ac74d6f735
g_sBuildNumber = 8193
g_sBuildRevision = 20
g_sVersionNumber = 1, 0, 0, 0
g_sGitCommit = 7cb918c9
&GenericCrashHandler = 00007FF68ADF8B20
=== Backtrace
=== Minidump
Minidump file has been written to C:\Users\ברק\Documents\Neverwinter Nights/nwmain-crash-1611117998.dmp.
=== Config
camera.dialog-zoom = 1
camera.edge-turning = 1
camera.limits.max-dist = 25.00
camera.limits.max-pitch = 89.00
camera.limits.min-dist = 1.00
camera.limits.min-pitch = 1.00
camera.mode = 1
camera.turn-speed-multiplier = 1.00
camera.zoom-speed-multiplier = 3.00
campaigndb.storage.compression.enabled = 1
client.identity.name = “3rd_Dementor”
debug.panel.visible = 0
game.campaigns.oc.progress = 3
game.campaigns.xp1.progress = 0
game.campaigns.xp2.progress = 0
game.character-generation.show-pregenerated = 0
game.gore = 2
game.language.override = “”
game.log.chat.all.enabled = 0
game.log.chat.emotes.enabled = 0
game.log.chat.text.enabled = 0
game.log.model-errors.enabled = 0
game.log.resman.lookup-failures.enabled = 0
graphics.creature-wind.mode = 2
graphics.effects.creature-environment-mapping = 1
graphics.effects.high-quality = 1
graphics.experimental.disable-gui-lighting = 1
graphics.experimental.enhanced-light-managing = 1
graphics.experimental.gl-finish-before-fbo = 0
graphics.experimental.optimize-shadow-rendering = 1
graphics.experimental.preload-area-objects = 0
graphics.experimental.render-cloaks = 1
graphics.experimental.render-grass-sorted = 1
graphics.facelifts.mode = “CampaignsAndDLC”
graphics.fbo.dof.amount = 1.00
graphics.fbo.dof.deadzone = 3.00
graphics.fbo.dof.enabled = 0
graphics.fbo.dof.focus-type = “Camera Pitch”
graphics.fbo.dof.never-blur-pc = 1
graphics.fbo.dof.vignette = 1.00
graphics.fbo.high-contrast.enabled = 1
graphics.fbo.high-contrast.intensity = 0.15
graphics.fbo.high-contrast.midpoint = 0.40
graphics.fbo.sharpen.enabled = 1
graphics.fbo.ssao.enabled = 1
graphics.fbo.vibrance.amount = 0.70
graphics.fbo.vibrance.enabled = 1
graphics.framelimiter.background.target-fps = 10
graphics.framelimiter.enabled = 0
graphics.framelimiter.foreground.target-fps = 60
graphics.framelimiter.non-interactive.target-fps = 48
graphics.gamma = 2.2
graphics.general.shader-quality = “High Quality”
graphics.grass.mode = 2
graphics.grass.render-distance = 1232.57
graphics.hilite.color.door = “#4cffff”
graphics.hilite.color.enemy = “#ff1919”
graphics.hilite.color.friend = “#4cff4c”
graphics.hilite.color.item = “#4cffff”
graphics.hilite.color.neutral = “#6666ff”
graphics.hilite.color.placeable = “#4cffff”
graphics.hilite.color.self = “#ffffff”
graphics.hilite.color.trigger = “#4cffff”
graphics.hilite.enabled = 1
graphics.hilite.glow = 1
graphics.intro.splash.enabled = 1
graphics.keyholing.enabled = 1
graphics.keyholing.max-diameter = 0.90
graphics.keyholing.min-diameter = 0.40
graphics.keyholing.with-tooltip = 0
graphics.lighting.cutoff-range-multiplier = 2.00
graphics.lighting.enhanced = 1
graphics.lighting.intensity-at-range = 0.20
graphics.lighting.max-intensity = 1.50
graphics.lighting.max-lights = 32
graphics.lod.enabled = 1
graphics.lod.scale-factor = 1.00
graphics.movies.enabled = 0
graphics.movies.intro.enabled = 0
graphics.second-story-tiles.mode = 2
graphics.shadows.creatures.mode = 2
graphics.shadows.environment.enabled = 1
graphics.shadows.max-casting-lights = 3
graphics.skyboxes.enabled = 1
graphics.stats.enabled = 0
graphics.texture-animations.enabled = 1
graphics.textures.max-memory = 2047
graphics.textures.pack = 3
graphics.tile-borders.enabled = 1
graphics.trap.color.friendly = “#00ff00”
graphics.trap.color.hostile = “#ff0000”
graphics.video.anisotropic-filtering.enabled = 0
graphics.video.anti-aliasing-mode = 1
graphics.video.refresh-rate = 60
graphics.video.vsync.enabled = 1
graphics.water.shiny = 1
graphics.window.fullscreen.height = 800
graphics.window.fullscreen.toggle-to-borderless = 0
graphics.window.fullscreen.width = 1280
graphics.window.mode = “exclusive”
graphics.window.windowed.borderless = 0
graphics.window.windowed.height = 600
graphics.window.windowed.position.mode = “remember”
graphics.window.windowed.position.x = -1
graphics.window.windowed.position.y = -1
graphics.window.windowed.width = 800
input.keyboard.shift-walk-mode-inverted = 0
input.mouse.hardware-pointer = 1
io.mmap.enabled = 0
io.mmap.experimental.never-close-bif = 1
masterserver.key-authentication.mode = “always”
net.http.max-concurrent-connections = 20
net.http.ssl.cabundle = “”
net.http.ssl.capath = “”
net.http.ssl.require = 0
net.http.ssl.verify.ocsp-stapling = 0
net.udp.window.timeout = 60000
nwscript.debugger.address = “”
nwscript.debugger.enabled = 0
nwscript.debugger.port = 5122
nwscript.log.script-execution.enabled = 0
nwscript.vm.profiling.enabled = 0
nwscript.vm.runtime-limits.instructions = 524288
nwsync.auto-delete-dangling-data = 1
nwsync.storage.compression = “zstd”
nwsync.transfer.flush.async = 1
nwsync.transfer.flush.max-files = 1000
nwsync.transfer.flush.max-megabytes = 3
ruleset.always-roll-max-hitpoints-on-levelup = 1
ruleset.combat.max-ability-bonus = 30
ruleset.combat.max-ability-penalty = 30
ruleset.combat.max-attack-bonus = 70
ruleset.combat.max-damage-bonus = 100
ruleset.combat.max-saving-throw-bonus = 20
ruleset.combat.max-skill-bonus = 50
ruleset.combat.sticky-modes = 0
ruleset.difficulty = 3
ruleset.encounters.always-reset = 0
ruleset.enforce-legal-characters = 0
ruleset.hide-hitpoints-gained-on-levelup = 0
ruleset.item-level-restrictions = 0
ruleset.max-character-level = 40
ruleset.min-character-level = 1
ruleset.natural-ones-fail-saving-throws = 0
ruleset.show-active-effects = 1
ruleset.show-challenge-ratings = 1
ruleset.validate-spells = 1
server.allow-player-pausing = 0
server.autosave.enabled = 0
server.autosave.interval = 5
server.disallow-shouting = 0
server.experimental.enhanced-pathfinding = 1
server.identity.game-region = 0
server.identity.game-type = 0
server.identity.name = “Server”
server.identity.public = 1
server.log.creature-deaths.enabled = 0
server.log.debug-mode-sends-to-players.enabled = 1
server.log.heartbeats.enabled = 0
server.log.rotation.enabled = 1
server.login.max-players = 6
server.login.player-dm.enabled = 1
server.net.accept-relayed-connections = 1
server.net.port = 5121
server.one-party-only = 1
server.pvp-mode = 1
server.reload-when-empty = 1
server.restore-spell-uses-on-login = 0
server.savegames-store-characters = 1
server.savegames-vault-characters-only = 0
server.show-dm-join-messages = 1
server.tweaks.2da-engine-cache-size = 11
server.tweaks.2da-user-cache-size = 10
server.tweaks.game-object-cache-size = 16
server.tweaks.power-saving.clients-required-to-disable = 1
server.tweaks.resman.max-memory-usage = 0.13
server.tweaks.threaded-timers-resolution = 100
server.tweaks.use-threaded-timers = 1
server.vault.backup-server-characters = 0
server.vault.by-player-name = 0
server.vault.mode = 1
server.vault.sticky-player-names = 0
server.vault.suppress-base = 0
sound.3d.bias = 0.50
sound.effects.volume = 0.00
sound.music.main-menu-theme = “mus_theme_main”
sound.music.volume = 0.00
sound.voices.volume = 0.00
taskmanager.threadpool.max-mutex-wait-time = 5000
taskmanager.threadpool.max-size = 0
ui.chat.pane.primary.height = 2.75
ui.chat.pane.secondary.height = 1.97
ui.chat.swear-filter.enabled = 0
ui.floating-text-feedback = 1
ui.font.glyph-spacing.horizontal = 0.50
ui.font.glyph-spacing.vertical = 0.00
ui.font.name = “(basic)”
ui.font.oversample.horizontal = 1.00
ui.font.oversample.vertical = 1.00
ui.font.pixel-height = 0.00
ui.font.pixel-snap = 1
ui.font.size = 15.00
ui.large-font = 0
ui.main-menu.background-image = “gui_pre_bknd3”
ui.mouseover-feedback = 1
ui.multiplayer.direct-connect.last-address = “”
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.hide-empty = 0
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.hide-full = 0
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.hide-localvault = 0
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.hide-servervault = 0
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.module-name-filter = “”
ui.party.invite-popup.enabled = 1
ui.scale = 1
ui.spellbook.sort-spells = 1
ui.targeting-feedback-mode = 2
ui.text-bubble-mode = 2
ui.tooltip-delay = 100000
=== ResMan
Available Memory = 933120355
Total Available Memory = 1055575552
Total Physical Memory = 8444604416
FreeList Size = 741
Free Disk Space CURRENTGAME: = 59717394432
=== ResMan KeyTables
TEMPCLIENT: = Type: 2, ID: 99000000, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
PORTRAITS: = Type: 2, ID: 91000000, Entries: 13101, Excluded: 0
PORTRAITSINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 90000000, Entries: 41, Excluded: 0
DMVAULT: = Type: 2, ID: 81000002, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
LOCALVAULT: = Type: 2, ID: 81000001, Entries: 93, Excluded: 0
SERVERVAULT: = Type: 2, ID: 81000000, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
DMVAULTINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 80000001, Entries: 3, Excluded: 0
LCVAULTINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 80000000, Entries: 79, Excluded: 0
DEVELOPMENT: = Type: 2, ID: 71000000, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
HAK:saleroniv = Type: 3, ID: 31000013, Entries: 64, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep1patch150 = Type: 3, ID: 31000012, Entries: 159, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep1patch = Type: 3, ID: 31000011, Entries: 7884, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2da = Type: 3, ID: 31000010, Entries: 2863, Excluded: 0
HAK:cepanatomy = Type: 3, ID: 31000009, Entries: 12448, Excluded: 0
HAK:cepbaseitem = Type: 3, ID: 31000008, Entries: 6396, Excluded: 0
HAK:cepcreature = Type: 3, ID: 31000007, Entries: 3751, Excluded: 0
HAK:cepplace = Type: 3, ID: 31000006, Entries: 2784, Excluded: 0
HAK:cepportrait = Type: 3, ID: 31000005, Entries: 2622, Excluded: 0
HAK:ceptexture = Type: 3, ID: 31000004, Entries: 2007, Excluded: 0
HAK:velmartowers = Type: 3, ID: 31000003, Entries: 134, Excluded: 0
HAK:codi-ddswamp = Type: 3, ID: 31000002, Entries: 386, Excluded: 0
HAK:velmarsdungeon = Type: 3, ID: 31000001, Entries: 513, Excluded: 0
HAK:jacobysjungle = Type: 3, ID: 31000000, Entries: 1354, Excluded: 0
CURRENTGAME:Saleron’s Gambit - Chapter 4 = Type: 3, ID: 22000000, Entries: 2703, Excluded: 0
OVERRIDE: = Type: 2, ID: 12000000, Entries: 15421, Excluded: 0
OVERRIDELOCINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 10000001, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
OVERRIDEINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 10000000, Entries: 143, Excluded: 0
AMBIENT: = Type: 2, ID: 9000000, Entries: 3, Excluded: 0
MUSIC: = Type: 2, ID: 8000000, Entries: 177, Excluded: 0
AMBIENTINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 7000000, Entries: 229, Excluded: 0
MUSICINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 6000000, Entries: 281, Excluded: 0
HD0INSTALL:data/nwn_base_loc = Type: 1, ID: 2000000, Entries: 1023, Excluded: 0
HD0INSTALL:data/nwn_base = Type: 1, ID: 1000000, Entries: 134298, Excluded: 0
=== End