Could use some help with a merchant script.
If the player that opens the store is level 1 through level 5, then every item in the store gets the item property Attack Bonus +1 added to them.
If the player that opens the store is level 6 through level 10, then every item in the store gets the item property Attack Bonus +2 added to them.
If the player that opens the store is level 11 through level 15, then every item in the store gets the item property Attack Bonus +3 added to them.
#include "x2_inc_itemprop"
void main()
object oItem;
object oPC = GetLastOpenedBy();
int nHitDice = GetHitDice(oPC);
int nAttackBonus;
// Determine attack bonus strength:
if (nHitDice <= 5)
nAttackBonus = 1;
else if (nHitDice <= 10)
nAttackBonus = 2;
else if (nHitDice <= 15)
nAttackBonus = 3;
nAttackBonus = 4;
// Cycle through the items in the store, apply new property:
oItem = GetFirstItemInInventory();
while (oItem != OBJECT_INVALID)
IPSafeAddItemProperty(oItem, ItemPropertyAttackBonus(nAttackBonus));
oItem = GetNextItemInInventory();
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#include "x2_inc_itemprop"
int getItemHasLowerAB(object oItem, int nTestValue);
//int getItemHasCorrectType(object oItem);
void main()
object oPC = GetLastOpenedBy();
int nHitDice = GetHitDice(oPC);
int nAttackBonus = FloatToInt((nHitDice - 1)/5.) + 1;
itemproperty ipAB = ItemPropertyAttackBonus(nAttackBonus);
object oItem = GetFirstItemInInventory();
while (GetIsObjectValid(oItem))
if (/* getItemHasCorrectType(oItem) && */ getItemHasLowerAB(oItem, nAttackBonus))
IPSafeAddItemProperty(oItem, ipAB);
oItem = GetNextItemInInventory();
int getItemHasLowerAB(object oItem, int nTestValue)
int nValue;
itemproperty ipScan = GetFirstItemProperty(oItem);
while (GetIsItemPropertyValid(ipScan))
if (GetItemPropertyType(ipScan) == ITEM_PROPERTY_ATTACK_BONUS
&& GetItemPropertyDurationType(ipScan) == DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT)
nValue = GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipScan);
if (nValue >= nTestValue)
return FALSE;
ipScan = GetNextItemProperty(oItem);
return TRUE;
int getItemHasCorrectType(object oItem)
int nPropType = StringToInt(Get2DAString("baseitems", "PropColumn", GetBaseItemType(oItem)));
// see itemprops.2da, line 56
if (nPropType <= 3 || nPropType == 14 || nPropType == 15 || nPropType == 21)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
In NWScript, the quotient of integer division is also integer - no need here for float + truncate.
int nAttackBonus = (nHitDice - 1) / 5 + 1; // same result
Yeah, I know, that’s why I replaced “5” with “5.”. I just had some doubts about integer division truncating towards zero in NWScript. Thanks for clarifying this question.
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or round up …
int nAttackBonus = (nHitDice + 4) / 5;
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You might want to prepare few different stores with different offer and show player the one based on his level instead. The method from @TheBarbarian will work, however it has several issues.
- it works only once, if this is multiplayer where multiple players can open the store items will cumulate enhancement bonuses
- items won’t have proper name
- since items are created this way they will not be “legit” which means that you cannot use features like persistent storage based on resref or “refreshing” items based on resref