Awesome, man, thanks! I’ll try it out tonight and let you know how it goes.
1/27/2020 12:09:08 PM: Error. ‘mod_load’ did not compile.
if (NWNX_SQL_PrepareQuery(“CREATE TABLE pwdata (player varchar(64) NOT NULL default ‘~’, tag varchar(64) NOT NULL default ‘~’, name varchar(64) NOT NULL default ‘~’, val text, expire int(11) default NULL, last timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (player,tag,name))”)) {
I’ll have to research further, I’m not really understanding what’s going on, and this leads to confusion on my part.
I’m using aps_include as a wrapper:
#include “nwnx_sql”
void SQLInit()
/* nothing */
void SQLExecDirect(string sSQL)
// Return a string value when given a location
string APSLocationToString(location lLocation);
// Return a location value when given the string form of the location
location APSStringToLocation(string sLocation);
// Set oObject's persistent string variable sVarName to sValue
// Optional parameters:
// iExpiration: Number of days the persistent variable should be kept in database (default: 0=forever)
// sTable: Name of the table where variable should be stored (default: pwdata)
void SetPersistentString(object oObject, string sVarName, string sValue, int iExpiration =
0, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Set oObject's persistent integer variable sVarName to iValue
// Optional parameters:
// iExpiration: Number of days the persistent variable should be kept in database (default: 0=forever)
// sTable: Name of the table where variable should be stored (default: pwdata)
void SetPersistentInt(object oObject, string sVarName, int iValue, int iExpiration =
0, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Get oObject's persistent integer variable sVarName
// Optional parameters:
// sTable: Name of the table where variable is stored (default: pwdata)
// * Return value on error: 0
int GetPersistentInt(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Get oObject's persistent string variable sVarName
// Optional parameters:
// sTable: Name of the table where variable is stored (default: pwdata)
// * Return value on error: ""
string GetPersistentString(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Delete persistent variable sVarName stored on oObject
// Optional parameters:
// sTable: Name of the table where variable is stored (default: pwdata)
void DeletePersistentVariable(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Set oObject's persistent location variable sVarName to lLocation
// Optional parameters:
// iExpiration: Number of days the persistent variable should be kept in database (default: 0=forever)
// sTable: Name of the table where variable should be stored (default: pwdata)
// This function converts location to a string for storage in the database.
void SetPersistentLocation(object oObject, string sVarName, location lLocation, int iExpiration =
0, string sTable = "pwdata");
// Get oObject's persistent location variable sVarName
// Optional parameters:
// sTable: Name of the table where variable is stored (default: pwdata)
// * Return value on error: 0
location GetPersistentLocation(object oObject, string sVarname, string sTable = "pwdata");
// (private function) Replace special character ' with ~
string SQLEncodeSpecialChars(string sString);
// (private function)Replace special character ' with ~
string SQLDecodeSpecialChars(string sString);
void SetPersistentInt(object oObject, string sVarName, int iValue, int iExpiration =
0, string sTable = "pwdata")
SetPersistentString(oObject, sVarName, IntToString(iValue), iExpiration, sTable);
void SetPersistentString(object oObject, string sVarName, string sValue, int iExpiration =
0, string sTable = "pwdata")
string sPlayer;
string sTag;
if (GetIsPC(oObject))
sPlayer = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetStringLowerCase(GetPCPlayerName(oObject)));
sTag = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetName(oObject));
sPlayer = "~";
sTag = GetTag(oObject);
sVarName = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sVarName);
sValue = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sValue);
string sSQL = "SELECT val FROM " + sTable + " WHERE player='" + sPlayer +
"' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
int ret=NWNX_SQL_ExecuteQuery(sSQL);
if (ret)
sSQL = "UPDATE " + sTable + " SET val='" + sValue +
"',expire=" + IntToString(iExpiration) + ",last=now() WHERE player='" + sPlayer +
"' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
// row doesn't exist
sSQL = "INSERT INTO " + sTable + " (player,tag,name,val,expire,last) VALUES" +
"('" + sPlayer + "','" + sTag + "','" + sVarName + "','" +
sValue + "'," + IntToString(iExpiration) + ", now())";
int GetPersistentInt(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata")
string sPlayer;
string sTag;
object oModule;
if(GetLocalInt(GetModule(), "MOD_NO_NWNX")) return 0;
if (GetIsPC(oObject))
sPlayer = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetStringLowerCase(GetPCPlayerName(oObject)));
sTag = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetName(oObject));
sPlayer = "~";
sTag = GetTag(oObject);
sVarName = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sVarName);
string sSQL = "SELECT val FROM " + sTable + " WHERE player='" + sPlayer +
"' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
int ret=NWNX_SQL_ExecuteQuery(sSQL);
if (ret)
// Note NWNX_SQL_ReadDataInActiveRow is zero based..
// 0 is the first column, 1 is the second, etc.
// Also, it returns a string representation by default. Use StringToInt/Float as necessary.
return StringToInt(NWNX_SQL_ReadDataInActiveRow(0));
return 0;
string GetPersistentString(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata")
string sPlayer;
string sTag;
if(GetLocalInt(GetModule(), "MOD_NO_NWNX")) return "";
if (GetIsPC(oObject))
sPlayer = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetStringLowerCase(GetPCPlayerName(oObject)));
sTag = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetName(oObject));
sPlayer = "~";
sTag = GetTag(oObject);
sVarName = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sVarName);
string sSQL = "SELECT val FROM " + sTable + " WHERE player='" + sPlayer +
"' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
int ret=NWNX_SQL_ExecuteQuery(sSQL);
if (ret)
// Note NWNX_SQL_ReadDataInActiveRow is zero based..
// 0 is the first column, 1 is the second, etc.
// Also, it returns a string representation by default. Use StringToInt/Float as necessary.
return SQLDecodeSpecialChars(NWNX_SQL_ReadDataInActiveRow(0));
return "";
void DeletePersistentVariable(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata")
string sPlayer;
string sTag;
if (GetIsPC(oObject))
sPlayer = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetStringLowerCase(GetPCPlayerName(oObject)));
sTag = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(GetName(oObject));
sPlayer = "~";
sTag = GetTag(oObject);
sVarName = SQLEncodeSpecialChars(sVarName);
string sSQL = "DELETE FROM " + sTable + " WHERE player='" + sPlayer +
"' AND tag='" + sTag + "' AND name='" + sVarName + "'";
void SetPersistentLocation(object oObject, string sVarName, location lLocation, int iExpiration =
0, string sTable = "pwdata")
SetPersistentString(oObject, sVarName, APSLocationToString(lLocation), iExpiration, sTable);
location GetPersistentLocation(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable = "pwdata")
return APSStringToLocation(GetPersistentString(oObject, sVarName, sTable));
// Problems can arise with SQL commands if variables or values have single quotes
// in their names. These functions are a replace these quote with the tilde character
string SQLEncodeSpecialChars(string sString)
if (FindSubString(sString, "'") == -1) // not found
return sString;
int i;
string sReturn = "";
string sChar;
// Loop over every character and replace special characters
for (i = 0; i < GetStringLength(sString); i++)
sChar = GetSubString(sString, i, 1);
if (sChar == "'")
sReturn += "~";
sReturn += sChar;
return sReturn;
string SQLDecodeSpecialChars(string sString)
if (FindSubString(sString, "~") == -1) // not found
return sString;
int i;
string sReturn = "";
string sChar;
// Loop over every character and replace special characters
for (i = 0; i < GetStringLength(sString); i++)
sChar = GetSubString(sString, i, 1);
if (sChar == "~")
sReturn += "'";
sReturn += sChar;
return sReturn;
string APSLocationToString(location lLocation)
object oArea = GetAreaFromLocation(lLocation);
vector vPosition = GetPositionFromLocation(lLocation);
float fOrientation = GetFacingFromLocation(lLocation);
string sReturnValue;
if (GetIsObjectValid(oArea))
sReturnValue =
"#AREA#" + GetTag(oArea) + "#POSITION_X#" + FloatToString(vPosition.x) +
"#POSITION_Y#" + FloatToString(vPosition.y) + "#POSITION_Z#" +
FloatToString(vPosition.z) + "#ORIENTATION#" + FloatToString(fOrientation) + "#END#";
return sReturnValue;
location APSStringToLocation(string sLocation)
location lReturnValue;
object oArea;
vector vPosition;
float fOrientation, fX, fY, fZ;
int iPos, iCount;
int iLen = GetStringLength(sLocation);
if (iLen > 0)
iPos = FindSubString(sLocation, "#AREA#") + 6;
iCount = FindSubString(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iLen - iPos), "#");
oArea = GetObjectByTag(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iCount));
iPos = FindSubString(sLocation, "#POSITION_X#") + 12;
iCount = FindSubString(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iLen - iPos), "#");
fX = StringToFloat(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iCount));
iPos = FindSubString(sLocation, "#POSITION_Y#") + 12;
iCount = FindSubString(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iLen - iPos), "#");
fY = StringToFloat(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iCount));
iPos = FindSubString(sLocation, "#POSITION_Z#") + 12;
iCount = FindSubString(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iLen - iPos), "#");
fZ = StringToFloat(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iCount));
vPosition = Vector(fX, fY, fZ);
iPos = FindSubString(sLocation, "#ORIENTATION#") + 13;
iCount = FindSubString(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iLen - iPos), "#");
fOrientation = StringToFloat(GetSubString(sLocation, iPos, iCount));
lReturnValue = Location(oArea, vPosition, fOrientation);
return lReturnValue;