I’d like to change the construct companion to being able to equip an offhand weapon. I’m not sure where this information is scripted. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
i think you’re looking for ‘k_mod_player_equip’ in the OC Campaign folder
edit: But i don’t think an item can be equipped in the offhand unless something is also in the right hand.
unless it’s a shield (?)
Would you know of a way to make it so you can equip in the offhand only? There must be a script that forces the re-equip to main hand.
not a script … pretty sure it’s hardcoded, although it might be affected in some way by BaseItems.2da “EquipableSlots” ← that could be what keeps a shield in the offhand without a main hand weapon.
but then you’d have to design a new weapon in BaseItems.2da, one that equips only to the offhand
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