I am trying to work a free “ale keg” asset that’s a compatible license (CC-BY-NC) into the game for the latest CCC, and when I import it, the scale is entirely out of wack - it takes up the whole map. Any ideas what’s causing this? Doesn’t seem related to the scale in Blender, which is entirely reasonable.
Do you mind describing how you did it so that I don’t have to bug you every time I run into this?
I’m working on textfiles only, using excel for calculations and NWN-Explorer to visualize things. Meanwhile I’ve a little bit of experience with this approach. Rescaling is just a matter of recalculating all the verts and adjust the position entries.
Some things (like rescaling) are much easier this way, but I don’t think that this is appropriate method for others in general. You may have the spreadsheet, if you want.
Don’t be shy to bug me (as I can always say no ), there is not much 3d modelling to do for me right now. Maybe I should make some nice mugs (dwarven size) with Furtag-runes ?
I think what’s happening is that Blender is non-destructively sizing the mesh, but when it’s imported to .mdl format, it’s exporting the original mesh, not the scale modifier applied to it. Not sure how to “fix” that though.
I am no content creator for NWN1, especially not the plugins to import/export to NWN’s file format. But I do know that the model in the .blend file you provided is scaled down to 0.09 of its original size. Sounds like the exporter you use does not automatically apply the scale so you have to do that manually. That’s either done through selecting the object, pressing ctrl+a and selecting scale; or clicking object in the menu bar > apply > scale. Try exporting with applied scale and it should work.
Note that there’s also a 90° rotation on the x axis which is not applied and the object’s origin is not at the grid’s center. Since you only mentioned the scale being off I guess that those are no issues and can possibly be ignored.
I supsected something like this!
I’m familiar with 3D modelling but not in Blender (my experience is much older) - but I already noticed that I had to apply the Decimate modifier before exporting, or you’d get the full polycount. I wasn’t sure how to apply this scale, so thanks for pointing that out!
With regards to being off center, it’s aligned according to the Empty that contains the mesh and the pwk (collision) mesh, so as long as it’s relatively along the center of that Empty axis, it should be okay. Where it is in relation to blender’s origin won’t matter, rather the Empty (though I think I can still get the position a bit better)
0.09 is by far too large, I used 0.004. The parameter is exported, it’s the “scale” value. It could be changed easily but this would result in an selection aura as large as a mountain.
The rotation let’s the keg stand upright, and leads to an adjustment of the z-axis by 0.64 in the position parameter.
Yeah my original scale thing wasn’t nearly aggressive enough apparently, but it didn’t apply at all as we saw. However when I apply it before export as suggested, it does.
The rotation is, as you say, intentional. Now I’m paranoid about the z change though, it does touch the ground alright though I think.