Movie in the middle of a module

The weird thing is, I had a similar result the first time I played the movie, and this is when I had to shut down the game and restart it to make the movie play correctly. I have no idea why this was the case unless it is some weird way the game sets up cache for such things? EDIT: It may be that the game has to reload the xml (and any related alterations) and so it requires careful attention.

To get to work, I did the lever test and it worked fine, then reset up the conversation and then that worked fine too. :exploding_head:

At least if we get the movie to work with a lever, then it should be “relatively” plain-sailing thereafter. I even tested with one of your movies. :wink:

Well, I used a chair, set the script here on the OnUsed:

void main()
	object oPlayer = GetLastUsedBy();
   //object oPlayer = GetPCSpeaker();
   DisplayGuiScreen(oPlayer,"SCREEN_MOVIE", TRUE, "STARSHIPMOVIE.xml");
   //SendMessageToPC(oPlayer, sText);

And the game freezes, and the first frame of the movie shows with part of the area in the background and the screen flickers like crazy for quite a few seconds and then nothing else happens.

I’m getting a headache out of this… :expressionless:

Maybe I’ll try with one of my older movies and see what happens.

Yes, I would try that, as the one I use of your (which works) is called asw2Intro.

Maybe it is the bik format you are using? … incompatible with NWN perhaps?

Can you send me a link to your bik file to download and test?

I tried with this, but it’s the same result. Just flickering.

Have you tried rebooting your computer? As it sounds more like a driver issue (or CODEC issue) than a NWN issue. Rebooting your computer may help.

Also, out of interest, does it play via another third party program like VLC?

Tried rebooting. Same result. Yes, it plays with VLC. I’ll do a link with the video for you, but I don’t think the video is the problem. It must be some sort of coding or game stuff. I mean, WHY does it play when

EDIT: Here’s the movie clip: (Removed)

OK, I will test it for you and show my complete setup and a link to a video of it when done to hopefully show it working and possible for you.

While I am testing, you could also try testing to see if your official campaign video plays at the start of the game, and also try playing the credits, as their result will be interesting to see.

Ping me that link asap and I will test it.

OK - got it! :+1:

EDIT: I note that there is no sound with the video. Is that normal?

Yes. I will add that later.

No problems playing the Credits video in NWN2.

OK, try renaming your movie to that of the credits and try playing credits again. (Back up your credits elsewhere of course.)

Got to eat now. I’ll be back.


Seems to work OK here … The only anomaly I could tell if I was to consider it as such, is that I had to move the mouse after the video finished to move the conversation on quicker than it does by default. Not a major issue really, as a player can skip at any time still and the jump works fine.

Video removed.

EDIT: All scripts as described previously. My guess is that you may have something interfering with the scripts perhaps? But without checking out your entire campaign files, it is hard for me to check further at this stage. Possibly a heartbeat script intercepting? The fact that the video does not play from a lever suggests something it is global like a heartbeat.

If you have not yet tried this, it may be worth trying …

I’m back. I tried with renaming the video to Credits_NX2 and the movie played when pressing Credits button in the game.

I think you should remove the video. I see that it works on your end.

No heartbeat scripts at all in this module so far.

If it is a small enough module, do you want to package and ping me a link to it, and I will look.

This is not a small module I’m afraid. There’s a lot of hak paks and things in the override folder, so this is not easy to send to someone else…but maybe I’ll try still if nothing else works, I don’t know…

I’ll do some more testing with other stuff like my previous module, putting it in there…I don’t know. I’m just so irritated with this right now

OK, last try for your end before sending (if you want to), try the following …

Create a new module, with no haks or addons … and just do the one single and simple conversation to play the video …

  1. One area.
  2. One NPC with conv.
  3. The XML scripts.


Then start adding back stuff until it breaks.

At least you know it will work, and it is just a case of finding what is breaking it. Worth doing, as whatever is breaking it may be affecting something else somehow too.

I have tried with a testing module (just a module not a campaign) now. I emptied the whole override folder except for the xml script. I placed a chair in the area, made it useable, and added my playmovie script on the OnUsed as seen in this post:

It still flickers. It HAS to somehow do with the scripts. There’s no other possibility I can think of any more.

I’ll try adding the movie to intro of the module and see what happens…

EDIT: Adding it to Start Movie of the module. It works fine there. Again, something’s somehow wrong with the way I’ve scripted it.

OK …

But, it cannot be the scripts as they work fine in my own module.

That’s why it is worth us comparing the same module between your and my computer setup.

Even if it is just the basic one you have put together.

Sure, I’ll send it to you.

OK - This will be interesting to see what is causing it … if possible.