My scripts have a line going down the middle now (RESOLVED)

I don’t know what I did, but now my scripts have a line going down the middle (well a little off to the right) of all my scripts and it is annoying.

Anyone know how to fix this? Whenever I open any script in the toolset…I get this…

That isn’t the divider between Function/Constants and your script pad is it?

In my 1.69 toolset (nearly unmodified), I see this vertical line all the time. I wonder why you don’t see it up today. Learn to live with it.

This is absolutely normal…

But I never had it before.

So are you saying you have seen this all the time? I didn’t up until now. I use NWN:EE.

Not sure what you mean. Is there a way to get rid of this?

It’s just that I’m used to seeing that line I suppose. It’s always been there for me. But I do sympathize. It must be incredibly annoying… :frowning:
I was thinking the line was the divider that you can expand or retract separating the Function/Constant panel from where you write your scripts. But I’m sure you probably already know this…

I’d say that’s just a visual aid to help you formatting your code → e.g. avoiding to write lines of code longer than 80 characters so that’s easier for other humans (or for one self after 2 weeks) to parse.

Would be nice to be able to adjust this soft char limit via options or nwtoolset.ini though. On the other hand, it’s already possible to use an external editor like VS Code.


No that is not it. This line is not separating functions and constants and cannot be moved.

So weird that I never saw that before. I figured I did something to add it by accident.

I don’t like it, but if it is normal I guess now I will have to deal with it.

You can hide it if you reduce the size of the window:

The divider is the border before all the “Action*” statements I suppose.

Thanks 4760

In in order to do that yes…I need to make my window smaller. Too bad there isn’t a feature to drag that line over. So weird that all these years I never saw it until now. Must have had a certain window adjustment that did not allow it before. Sigh…Now I either live with it…or I just keep my window screen smaller to not see it.

Thanks everyone :slight_smile:

This line is called a ruler and generally exists to tell you a single line of code is too long if it goes over it. Should be around 80 characters by default (what used to be industry standard max length for 50 years), but you might be able to move it in the settings somewhere.


80 columns is a very, very dated - outdated, I’d say - standard from the time we had character-only teletype/console displays which had a limit of only 80 characters per line. That hasn’t been a problem since the 80s.

That’s really not true. Yes, the width comes from then. But readability is still a thing. Lines that are too long wrap in a reasonably wide terminal window and it’s harder to read. It’s really better not to have your code flowing and wrapping.


I agree, having a certain max char length per line really improves readability.

Now if it has to be 79 (Python PEP-8), 80, 90 or maybe even 130 is all debatable and I don’t fell strongly about any of these numbers in one way or another. So yeah, 80 is fine by me.

But the nwn script compiler won’t complain if you exceed this limit, so if you don’t like it, you can just ignore it. In fact, you could theoretically write every script in just one line as long as you separate commands with the appropriate characters and it would still compile.