One of my favorite scripts ever, and it was super simple: It was a framework to have NPCs perform plays. It didn’t require CEP or anything else (that I can recall) and was very barebones. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
One of my favorite scripts ever, and it was super simple: It was a framework to have NPCs perform plays. It didn’t require CEP or anything else (that I can recall) and was very barebones. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
Welcome back OTR. You’re not thinking of AllTalk - A System for Implementing Scripted Scenes in Game that I wrote some time ago, are you?
Thanks! That’s a good one, but the one I’m thinking of is quite old and made for really, really long works- like full plays. I kept landing on The Five Flagons Inn - A Virtual Theater for NWN, but the requirements threw me. I guess it must be The DS-TL v2.08 (The DS Theater Scripting Language) that I’m thinking of. The old Vault page for it, especially, rings a bell. Thanks again, that got me on the right track.
Welcome back OTR!
HEY OTR!!! Welcome back, bud!
Welcome back OTR!
Thanks, guys! RL has been pretty crazy over the last few years (usually in a good way) and 2020 hasn’t been any different. However, got a little breathing room and it’s so nice to be able to play around with NWN instead of just randomly thinking about it for months at a time.