Name of script for having NPC's perform plays?

One of my favorite scripts ever, and it was super simple: It was a framework to have NPCs perform plays. It didn’t require CEP or anything else (that I can recall) and was very barebones. Does this ring a bell with anyone?


Welcome back OTR. You’re not thinking of AllTalk - A System for Implementing Scripted Scenes in Game that I wrote some time ago, are you?


Thanks! That’s a good one, but the one I’m thinking of is quite old and made for really, really long works- like full plays. I kept landing on The Five Flagons Inn - A Virtual Theater for NWN, but the requirements threw me. I guess it must be The DS-TL v2.08 (The DS Theater Scripting Language) that I’m thinking of. The old Vault page for it, especially, rings a bell. Thanks again, that got me on the right track.

Welcome back OTR!


HEY OTR!!! Welcome back, bud! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Welcome back OTR!


Thanks, guys! RL has been pretty crazy over the last few years (usually in a good way) and 2020 hasn’t been any different. However, got a little breathing room and it’s so nice to be able to play around with NWN instead of just randomly thinking about it for months at a time. :grinning: