A new basic class I would like to try out if possible. Not really a combat spell caster or a warrior, the Animal Sib(ling) relies largely on his animal companion and summoned animals for attack and defense. He/She may have a lot of feats, but they are mostly skill oriented and focus his/her capabilities on natural skills.
|Animal Sib|
|An Animal Sib is a brother or sister of the wilderness. Not as powerful as a Druid, he/she cannot|
|call upon the forces of nature to aid her. Instead, he/she must survive by wit and wisdom|
|and the assistance of an Animal companion, a familiar, and other animals that are summoned.|
|Spellcasting is largely defensive and used primarily to heal, protect, and buff-up animal associates. Does not receive the tactical training of a Ranger.|
|8HP, 4SP, Med BAB, High Reflex & Will Saves|
|Light Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons, Elf Weapons|
|Wild Empathy (can communicate with animals)|
|Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Search, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Tumble|
|REQ|Non-Lawful Alignment, Deity, Light Armor or No Armor Only|
|(Medium or Heavy Armor or Tower shield disables spellcasting)|
Feat List
|L1|Animal Companion|
|L2|Summon Familiar|
|L4|Weapon Focus: Deity’s Favored Wpn|
|L5|Woodland Stride|
|L6|Luck of Heroes|
|L7|Nature Sense|
|L9|Trackless Step|
|L10|Swift Tracker|
|L11|Natural Bond|
|L12|Aura of Courage|
|L13|Dinosaur Companion|
|L14|Lightning Reflexes
|L16|Self Sufficient|
|L18|Iron Will|
|L19|Slippery Mind|
|L20|Great Fortitude|
|Animal Sib Spell List -Wisdom Based spellcasting|
|Cure Minor Wounds|C|0|
|Cure Light Wounds|C|1|
|Lesser Restoration|C|1|
|Lesser Vigor|C|1|
|Low Light Vision|T|1|
|Mage Armor|C|1|
|Magic Fang|T|1|
|Snake’s Swiftness|T|1|
|Summon Creature I|C|1|
|Bear’s Endurance|T|2|
|Bull’s Strength|T|2|
|Cat’s Grace|T|2|
|Eagle’s Splendor|T|2|
|Fox’s Cunning|T|2|
|Owl’s Wisdom|T|2|
|Summon Creature II|C|2|
|Animalistic Power|T|3|
|Cure Moderate Wounds|C|3|
|Greater Magic Fang|T|3|
|Jagged Tooth|T|3|
|Summon Creature III|C|3|
|Neutralize Poison|C|4|
|Remove Disease|C|4|
|Cure Serious Wounds|C|4|
|Greater Resistance|A|4|
|Improved Mage Armor|C|4|
|Summon Creature IV|C|4|
|Cure Critical Wounds|C|5|
|Heal Animal Companion|C|5|
|Owl’s Insight|T|5|
|Freedom of Movement|A|5|
|Summon Creature V|C|5|
|Greater Stoneskin|T|6|
|Rejuvenation Cocoon|C|6|
|Summon Creature VI|C|6|
|Superior Resistance|A|6|
|Tortoise Shell|T|6|
|Vigorous Cycle|C|6|
Spell progression similar to that of Bard only wisdom-based instead of charisma-based, and of course different spell set.
Notes: No offensive spellcasting, Medium BAB, only one assigned combat feat based on deity, debating removing shield proficiency. Ideally would use ranged weapons.