NWN - Looking for mod

Hello there community.

Im looking for a certain module i did not know the name of. Played it long time ago but never finished it.

If I remember correctly, it was advised to play a cleric type in it, except it wasn’t required (i dont remember exactly). The other thing I remember was that we started in some crypt with undead without equipment, and we were obtaining it on the go. After the crypt there was cementary…

i know these are not the best information i could give, but maybe someone played something similar recently and remembers.

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Not sure if this will help, but it may be a good start:


Is Deja Vu what you’re looking for? Your character does in fact start in a crypt and then a cemetary. Played it back then with a pure Cleric and it was one of the best modules I ever played. I remember it had different outcomes and unique abilities/items for clerics of different alignments too!


And i think that you have found the mod my friend!

Im gonna install it in some time and play it, great thanks to you!


  • Thanks for reply i looked up that lists previously when i was looking for it