NWNEE's Looting System Questions

Good day! I’ve been enjoying many of the custom modules found here. For my personal use and replay value, I’m hoping to discover some reasonably simple methods that would make general looting more consistent throughout. Are custom modules that have added persistent bodies able to be easily restored to the NWNEE’s default looting system? By this, I’m meaning is there a simple toggle that I can find with the toolset that would have the NPC’s bodies decay and then leave loot bags behind? Or is this process something that is pretty complicated? Also, would doing something like this quite likely make plot items extremely difficult to find?

I discovered that a number of modules and override scripts that use persistent corpses have made slight editions to the nw_c2_default7 script. Deleting the modified script seems to have worked for this main purpose here. I’m meaning that the NPCs die, have bodies that decay over a few seconds, then spawn in loot bags if they had any loot. I’m rethinking the whole idea now, as, so far, I haven’t seen plot NPCs treated differently than any trash NPC here. In the event that I might need to target an NPC’s body and cast a spell or perform any other action on the body, this simple restoration would end up completely breaking the module. Can anyone tell me if most of the modules that use persistent bodies here are doing so for complex reasoning that goes well and beyond attempts to create immersion?

Most modules do not. Its usually for immersion and such. I’m sure there are a few out there that will prove me wrong.