Obscure Crash at Merchant's Weapon Page

I’ve had two players so far crash specifically at the weapon page of my merchant in my server Crymn Cemetery. I tried to recreate this crash on my own, so I downloaded my hakpak and CEP 2.65 off the vault using my second computer and client (I have two accounts for testing purposes like this). The result: nothing. Both clients/computers work perfectly. There’s nothing wrong with my content as far as I can tell. The first time, I was hosting via windows and connecting through the same computer. I just switched to hosting through Ubuntu this week and connected myself through my second computer. This way the server is running as a dedicated server. This didn’t fix the problem. I tried connecting via my slow mobile hotspot internet and still no crash.

This is so frustrating, can anyone help? What could be causing a crash at the weapons page if it’s not the game resources? Here’s the crash report:

=== Crash
This is a report file from a crash you have experienced in NWN:EE
Please post a bug report for NWN at:


and attach this file, along with the minidump referenced at the bottom
of this report. These files can provide us with extra information about your crash.

If you can describe what happened before this crash, or provide
instructions on how to reproduce this crash, it will help us find
and fix the problem you experienced. Thank you.

=== Props
os = windows
target = nwmain
time = 1596844346
exception = c0000005
binaryChecksum = md5=8e6561ac2f2d85a60ed005397b62f9b7
g_sBuildNumber = 8193
g_sBuildRevision = 13
g_sVersionNumber = 1, 0, 0, 0
g_sGitCommit = 3ba0f825
&GenericCrashHandler = 00007FF6CB5C80C0
=== Backtrace
=== Minidump
Minidump file has been written to C:\Users\arman\Documents\Neverwinter Nights/nwmain-crash-1596844346.dmp.

=== Config
camera.dialog-zoom = 1
camera.edge-turning = 1
camera.limits.max-dist = 25.000000
camera.limits.max-pitch = 89.000000
camera.limits.min-dist = 1.000000
camera.limits.min-pitch = 1.000000
camera.mode = 1
camera.turn-speed-multiplier = 1.000000
camera.zoom-speed-multiplier = 3.000000
campaigndb.storage.compression.enabled = 1
client.identity.name = “ProfessorLoki”
debug.panel.visible = 0
game.campaigns.oc.progress = 0
game.campaigns.xp1.progress = 0
game.campaigns.xp2.progress = 0
game.character-generation.show-pregenerated = 1
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game.language.override = “”
game.log.chat.all.enabled = 0
game.log.chat.emotes.enabled = 0
game.log.chat.text.enabled = 0
game.log.model-errors.enabled = 0
game.log.resman.lookup-failures.enabled = 0
graphics.creature-wind.mode = 2
graphics.effects.creature-environment-mapping = 1
graphics.effects.high-quality = 1
graphics.experimental.aggressive-texture-caching = 1
graphics.experimental.disable-gui-lighting = 1
graphics.experimental.enable-fragment-lighting = 1
graphics.experimental.enable-gamma-correction = 1
graphics.experimental.enhanced-light-managing = 1
graphics.experimental.gl-finish-before-fbo = 0
graphics.experimental.optimize-buffer-updates = 1
graphics.experimental.optimize-shadow-rendering = 1
graphics.experimental.preload-area-objects = 0
graphics.experimental.render-cloaks = 1
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graphics.fbo.dof.enabled = 1
graphics.fbo.high-contrast.enabled = 1
graphics.fbo.sharpen.enabled = 1
graphics.fbo.ssao.enabled = 1
graphics.fbo.vibrance.amount = 0.700000
graphics.fbo.vibrance.enabled = 1
graphics.framelimiter.background.target-fps = 10
graphics.framelimiter.enabled = 0
graphics.framelimiter.foreground.target-fps = 60
graphics.framelimiter.non-interactive.target-fps = 48
graphics.gamma = 2.200000
graphics.grass.mode = 2
graphics.grass.render-distance = 900.000000
graphics.hilite.color.door = “#4cffff
graphics.hilite.color.enemy = “#ff1919
graphics.hilite.color.friend = “#4cff4c
graphics.hilite.color.item = “#4cffff
graphics.hilite.color.neutral = “#6666ff
graphics.hilite.color.placeable = “#4cffff
graphics.hilite.color.self = “#ffffff
graphics.hilite.color.trigger = “#4cffff
graphics.hilite.enabled = 1
graphics.hilite.glow = 1
graphics.intro.splash.enabled = 1
graphics.keyholing.enabled = 1
graphics.keyholing.max-radius = 0.600000
graphics.keyholing.min-height = 1.500000
graphics.keyholing.min-radius = 0.150000
graphics.keyholing.with-tooltip = 0
graphics.lighting.max-dynamic-lights = 8
graphics.lod.enabled = 1
graphics.lod.scale-factor = 1.000000
graphics.movies.enabled = 1
graphics.movies.intro.enabled = 1
graphics.second-story-tiles.mode = 2
graphics.shadows.creatures.mode = 2
graphics.shadows.environment.enabled = 1
graphics.shadows.max-casting-lights = 3
graphics.skyboxes.enabled = 1
graphics.stats.enabled = 0
graphics.texture-animations.enabled = 1
graphics.textures.max-memory = 256
graphics.textures.pack = 3
graphics.tile-borders.enabled = 1
graphics.video.anisotropic-filtering.enabled = 0
graphics.video.anti-aliasing-mode = 3
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graphics.water.shiny = 1
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graphics.window.windowed.position.y = 0
graphics.window.windowed.width = 1920
input.keyboard.shift-walk-mode-inverted = 0
input.mouse.hardware-pointer = 1
io.mmap.enabled = 0
io.mmap.experimental.never-close-bif = 1
masterserver.key-authentication.mode = “always”
net.http.max-concurrent-connections = 20
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net.http.ssl.capath = “”
net.http.ssl.require = 0
net.http.ssl.verify.ocsp-stapling = 0
net.udp.window.timeout = 60000
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nwscript.debugger.port = 5122
nwscript.log.script-execution.enabled = 0
nwscript.vm.profiling.enabled = 0
nwscript.vm.runtime-limits.instructions = 524288
nwsync.auto-delete-dangling-data = 1
nwsync.storage.compression = “zstd”
nwsync.transfer.flush.async = 1
nwsync.transfer.flush.max-files = 1000
nwsync.transfer.flush.max-megabytes = 3
ruleset.always-roll-max-hitpoints-on-levelup = 0
ruleset.combat.max-ability-bonus = 12
ruleset.combat.max-ability-penalty = 30
ruleset.combat.max-attack-bonus = 20
ruleset.combat.max-damage-bonus = 100
ruleset.combat.max-saving-throw-bonus = 20
ruleset.combat.max-skill-bonus = 50
ruleset.combat.sticky-modes = 0
ruleset.difficulty = 2
ruleset.encounters.always-reset = 0
ruleset.enforce-legal-characters = 1
ruleset.hide-hitpoints-gained-on-levelup = 0
ruleset.item-level-restrictions = 0
ruleset.max-character-level = 40
ruleset.min-character-level = 1
ruleset.natural-ones-fail-saving-throws = 1
ruleset.show-active-effects = 1
ruleset.show-challenge-ratings = 1
ruleset.validate-spells = 1
server.allow-player-pausing = 0
server.autosave.enabled = 0
server.autosave.interval = 5
server.disallow-shouting = 0
server.experimental.enhanced-pathfinding = 1
server.identity.game-region = 0
server.identity.game-type = 0
server.identity.name = “Server”
server.identity.public = 1
server.log.creature-deaths.enabled = 0
server.log.heartbeats.enabled = 0
server.log.rotation.enabled = 1
server.login.max-players = 6
server.net.accept-relayed-connections = 1
server.net.port = 5121
server.one-party-only = 1
server.pvp-mode = 1
server.reload-when-empty = 1
server.restore-spell-uses-on-login = 0
server.savegames-store-characters = 1
server.savegames-vault-characters-only = 0
server.show-dm-join-messages = 1
server.tweaks.2da-engine-cache-size = 11
server.tweaks.2da-user-cache-size = 10
server.tweaks.game-object-cache-size = 16
server.tweaks.power-saving.clients-required-to-disable = 1
server.tweaks.resman.max-memory-usage = 0.125000
server.tweaks.threaded-timers-resolution = 100
server.tweaks.use-threaded-timers = 1
server.vault.backup-server-characters = 0
server.vault.by-player-name = 0
server.vault.mode = 1
server.vault.sticky-player-names = 0
server.vault.suppress-base = 0
sound.3d.bias = 0.500000
sound.effects.volume = 0.150000
sound.music.main-menu-theme = “mus_theme_main”
sound.music.volume = 0.100000
sound.voices.volume = 0.600000
taskmanager.threadpool.max-mutex-wait-time = 5000
taskmanager.threadpool.max-size = 0
ui.accessibility.trap-colors.friendly = “0,255,0”
ui.accessibility.trap-colors.hostile = “255,0,0”
ui.chat.pane.primary.height = 2.800000
ui.chat.pane.secondary.height = 2.659999
ui.chat.swear-filter.enabled = 0
ui.floating-text-feedback = 1
ui.font.glyph-spacing.horizontal = 0.500000
ui.font.glyph-spacing.vertical = 0.000000
ui.font.name = “(basic)”
ui.font.oversample.horizontal = 1.000000
ui.font.oversample.vertical = 1.000000
ui.font.pixel-height = 0.000000
ui.font.pixel-snap = 1
ui.font.size = 15.000000
ui.large-font = 1
ui.main-menu.background-image = “gui_pre_bknd3”
ui.mouseover-feedback = 1
ui.multiplayer.direct-connect.last-address = “”
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.hide-empty = 0
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.hide-full = 0
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.hide-localvault = 0
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.hide-servervault = 0
ui.multiplayer.server-browser.module-name-filter = “”
ui.party.invite-popup.enabled = 1
ui.scale = 1
ui.spellbook.sort-spells = 1
ui.targeting-feedback-mode = 2
ui.text-bubble-mode = 2
ui.tooltip-delay = 100000
=== ResMan
Available Memory = 2070373245
Total Available Memory = 2139480064
Total Physical Memory = 17115840512
FreeList Size = 647
Free Disk Space CURRENTGAME: = ?
=== ResMan KeyTables
TEMPCLIENT: = Type: 2, ID: 99000000, Entries: 3, Excluded: 0
PORTRAITS: = Type: 2, ID: 91000000, Entries: 2751, Excluded: 0
PORTRAITSINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 90000000, Entries: 41, Excluded: 0
DMVAULT: = Type: 2, ID: 81000002, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
LOCALVAULT: = Type: 2, ID: 81000001, Entries: 61, Excluded: 0
SERVERVAULT: = Type: 2, ID: 81000000, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
DMVAULTINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 80000001, Entries: 3, Excluded: 0
LCVAULTINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 80000000, Entries: 139, Excluded: 0
DEVELOPMENT: = Type: 2, ID: 71000000, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_add_doors = Type: 3, ID: 31000037, Entries: 1915, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_add_loads = Type: 3, ID: 31000036, Entries: 99, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_add_phenos1 = Type: 3, ID: 31000035, Entries: 17844, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_add_phenos2 = Type: 3, ID: 31000034, Entries: 14350, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_add_phenos3 = Type: 3, ID: 31000033, Entries: 13540, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_add_phenos4 = Type: 3, ID: 31000032, Entries: 2462, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_add_phenos5 = Type: 3, ID: 31000031, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_add_rules = Type: 3, ID: 31000030, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_add_sb_v1 = Type: 3, ID: 31000029, Entries: 5816, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_add_skies = Type: 3, ID: 31000028, Entries: 301, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_add_tiles = Type: 3, ID: 31000027, Entries: 2, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_add_tiles1 = Type: 3, ID: 31000026, Entries: 15378, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_add_tiles2 = Type: 3, ID: 31000025, Entries: 5862, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_build = Type: 3, ID: 31000024, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_core0 = Type: 3, ID: 31000023, Entries: 11646, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_core1 = Type: 3, ID: 31000022, Entries: 5710, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_core2 = Type: 3, ID: 31000021, Entries: 2598, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_core3 = Type: 3, ID: 31000020, Entries: 18471, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_core4 = Type: 3, ID: 31000019, Entries: 17095, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_core5 = Type: 3, ID: 31000018, Entries: 19206, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_core6 = Type: 3, ID: 31000017, Entries: 13498, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_core7 = Type: 3, ID: 31000016, Entries: 11830, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_crp = Type: 3, ID: 31000015, Entries: 828, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_crp_s = Type: 3, ID: 31000014, Entries: 594, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_custom = Type: 3, ID: 31000013, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_ext_tiles = Type: 3, ID: 31000012, Entries: 159, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_fixes_2_60 = Type: 3, ID: 31000011, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_patch_v22b = Type: 3, ID: 31000010, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_patch_v22c = Type: 3, ID: 31000009, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_top_2_65 = Type: 3, ID: 31000008, Entries: 63, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_top_2_60 = Type: 3, ID: 31000007, Entries: 63, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_top_2_64 = Type: 3, ID: 31000006, Entries: 63, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_top_v1 = Type: 3, ID: 31000005, Entries: 43, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_top_v21 = Type: 3, ID: 31000004, Entries: 52, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_top_v22 = Type: 3, ID: 31000003, Entries: 61, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_top_v22b = Type: 3, ID: 31000002, Entries: 51, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_top_v23 = Type: 3, ID: 31000001, Entries: 61, Excluded: 0
HAK:cep2_top_v24 = Type: 3, ID: 31000000, Entries: 61, Excluded: 0
HAKINSTALL:crymncemetery = Type: 3, ID: 30000000, Entries: 11450, Excluded: 0
OVERRIDE: = Type: 2, ID: 12000000, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
OVERRIDELOCINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 10000001, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
OVERRIDEINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 10000000, Entries: 15, Excluded: 0
AMBIENT: = Type: 2, ID: 9000000, Entries: 3, Excluded: 0
MUSIC: = Type: 2, ID: 8000000, Entries: 1, Excluded: 0
AMBIENTINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 7000000, Entries: 229, Excluded: 0
MUSICINSTALL: = Type: 2, ID: 6000000, Entries: 197, Excluded: 0
TEXTUREINSTALL:xp2_tex_tpa = Type: 3, ID: 2000006, Entries: 895, Excluded: 0
TEXTUREINSTALL:XP2_GUI = Type: 3, ID: 2000005, Entries: 208, Excluded: 0
TEXTUREINSTALL:xp1_tex_tpa = Type: 3, ID: 2000004, Entries: 566, Excluded: 0
TEXTUREINSTALL:XP1_GUI = Type: 3, ID: 2000003, Entries: 162, Excluded: 0
TEXTUREINSTALL:GUI_32bit = Type: 3, ID: 2000002, Entries: 2914, Excluded: 0
TEXTUREINSTALL:Textures_Tpa = Type: 3, ID: 2000001, Entries: 2811, Excluded: 0
TEXTUREINSTALL:Tiles_Tpa = Type: 3, ID: 2000000, Entries: 624, Excluded: 0
HD0INSTALL:data/nwn_base_loc;HD0INSTALL:data/nwn_base = Type: 1, ID: 1000000, Entries: 102464, Excluded: 0
=== End

I’ve had this happen before. Usually there’s an item in the merchant inventory that’s the offender (and not the merchant inventory itself). Sometimes this can be corrected on the player side but updating video drivers.

There are four CEP weapons in the inventory (Maul, Falchion, Sai, and Heavy Mace). The rest are standard NWNEE weapons and weapon icons. There are only 3 pages of weapons and there are no item properties. Does that mean they’ll crash every time they see the weapon icon?

In short, yes. You can find the offender by logging on as DM Client and giving each item to the player from the merchant until they crash. In my similar issue, it turned out to be something completely innocuous from the CEP in an item called Rope & Grappling Hook. It doesn’t affect everyone, but I do believe it’s graphic and graphics card related.