Oldest D&D File (For A Laugh!)

I was curious as to the oldest file on my computer related to D&D, and I think I found it … This PnP idea was something that I hoped to put into my second module, but we’ll see how that pans out … It shows how long this campaign has been in the making … nearly 30 years!

And here is that image … I know I can’t draw! :grin:

Anyone else have anything interesting to add from their own files?


That’s great Lance!

The oldest things I have aren’t on a computer. Most of my D&D playing was in '78-79, way before I had a computer. I have many maps, treasure lists, monsters, NPCs and encounters I wrote from back then and over the years on paper. Lots of colored pencil drawings, too. Most are horrible, some are OK. :slight_smile:
They’re all lovingly filed in a Mead Trapper Keeper.



My earliest paper notes that I still have predate this by a long way too. :grin:

I believe this campaign was started around 1982, but I had another campaign prior this one that was a bit more amateur… Probably around the late 1970’s. I don’t think I have anything from that campaign, unless it’s buried away in some old suitcase. :thinking:

Do you have any old files on your computer?

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It’s not on a computer, but here’s a lovely painting of a base game box cover, done in watercolor.


Only things I can find on computer are the thousands of pages of notes I’ve made since the release of NWN1 inspired me to take all my old game world I’d invented as a kid and put it in an RPG.


I could make a NWN1 placeable from it and hang it into my castle :-). It’s a nice drawing and serves it’s purpose.



Hey, that is really cool! :+1:

Do you have the files that I can also use? (Assuming NWN1 files work with NWN2? It would save me some time if it does work.)

Really good! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the compliment. :slightly_smiling_face:


Then it will be in my upcoming module. You will become a famous artist now! (well … not as famous as the guy who created the picture to the right, but hey …).

Here are the files:
Wallart by Lance Botelle .7z (178.5 KB)

This is NWN1-format, and I fear it will not work in NWN2 out of the box. The best idea I’ve now is to find a painting in NWN2 of similar size and try to replace the canvas.

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Thanks! :+1:

I grabbed the files just in case I ever do update my Soul Shaker module … and will do the same for NWN2 module when I get that extra bit of time to add this sort of thing.

I have done some added pictures for NWN2, so I can do it when the time comes. :slight_smile:

I’ll try to keep the press back. :wink:

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