int StartingConditional()
if ( (GetIsNight()) || (GetIsDusk()) ) return FALSE;
int nRoll = d100();
switch (nRoll)
case 1: SetCustomToken(101, “Pardon me.”); break;
case 2: SetCustomToken(101, “What a rotten looking projection.”); break;
case 3: SetCustomToken(101, “Why don’t you watch where you’re going!”); break;
case 4: SetCustomToken(101, “I’m running late!”); break;
case 5: SetCustomToken(101, “Go milk a bull or something!”); break;
case 6: SetCustomToken(101, “* Smiles "); break;
case 7: SetCustomToken(101, “Perhaps another time.”); break;
case 8: SetCustomToken(101, “Nice day.”); break;
case 9: SetCustomToken(101, “Hey there.”); break;
case 10: SetCustomToken(101, “It’s only safe around here during the day.”); break;
case 11: SetCustomToken(101, “No, I don’t have the time.”); break;
case 12: SetCustomToken(101, “Is that you who smells?”); break;
case 13: SetCustomToken(101, “Damn dogs shit everywhere!”); break;
case 14: SetCustomToken(101, “Can’t help you with that.”); break;
case 15: SetCustomToken(101, “That old bag never shuts up!”); break;
case 16: SetCustomToken(101, “Keep him locked up for good is what I say!”); break;
case 17: SetCustomToken(101, “Haven’t seen you around before.”); break;
case 18: SetCustomToken(101, “No idea.”); break;
case 19: SetCustomToken(101, " Nods "); break;
case 20: SetCustomToken(101, “Don’t like the sound of the breeze on those trees.”); break;
case 21: SetCustomToken(101, “I don’t trust Lord Bravil myself.”); break;
case 22: SetCustomToken(101, “Sorry but I’m running late.”); break;
case 23: SetCustomToken(101, “Could be a storm approaching.”); break;
case 24: SetCustomToken(101, “The whispers haunted me for many weeks after.”); break;
case 25: SetCustomToken(101, “You hear anything about a gypsy festival by chance?”); break;
case 26: SetCustomToken(101, “Excuse me.”); break;
case 27: SetCustomToken(101, “Leave me alone.”); break;
case 28: SetCustomToken(101, “I’m busy.”); break;
case 29: SetCustomToken(101, “I have errands to run.”); break;
case 30: SetCustomToken(101, “There’s fresh fish at the market.”); break;
case 31: SetCustomToken(101, “Don’t feed the dogs. Or the chickens!”); break;
case 32: SetCustomToken(101, “Sure is damp out today.”); break;
case 33: SetCustomToken(101, “I miss her everyday.”); break;
case 34: SetCustomToken(101, “Even the roots were tripping good folk.”); break;
case 35: SetCustomToken(101, “What?”); break;
case 36: SetCustomToken(101, “Yeah, just keep your hands to yourself!”); break;
case 37: SetCustomToken(101, “Is there no one who cleans the outhouse?”); break;
case 38: SetCustomToken(101, “Didn’t you recently arrive in town?”); break;
case 39: SetCustomToken(101, " Winks "); break;
case 40: SetCustomToken(101, “Maybe tomorrow.”); break;
case 41: SetCustomToken(101, “Why, thank-you!”); break;
case 42: SetCustomToken(101, “Blasted pigeons messed up my shoulder again!”); break;
case 43: SetCustomToken(101, “I’d be grumpy too if I was a guard doing patrols.”); break;
case 44: SetCustomToken(101, “Then get yourself a room at the Wooden Wool.”); break;
case 45: SetCustomToken(101, “Hands off!”); break;
case 46: SetCustomToken(101, “Oh?”); break;
case 47: SetCustomToken(101, “Yup!”); break;
case 48: SetCustomToken(101, " Frowns "); break;
case 49: SetCustomToken(101, " Waves "); break;
case 50: SetCustomToken(101, " Watches you carefully "); break;
case 51: SetCustomToken(101, " Bows "); break;
case 52: SetCustomToken(101, “Could be. I wouldn’t know.”); break;
case 53: SetCustomToken(101, “On a windy day, you can smell the stink of Bramblewood Moor.”); break;
case 54: SetCustomToken(101, " Sighs *”); break;
case 55: SetCustomToken(101, “Aye?”); break;
case 56: SetCustomToken(101, “I say we should burn the wood to the ground.”); break;
case 57: SetCustomToken(101, “It’ll pick up when the Talwin Trail reopens.”); break;
case 58: SetCustomToken(101, “A Lannister always pays their debt!”); break;
case 59: SetCustomToken(101, “Oh boo-who!”); break;
case 60: SetCustomToken(101, “Hate it when it rains. The mud gets on everything.”); break;
case 61: SetCustomToken(101, “Must you pester me?”); break;
case 62: SetCustomToken(101, “What’s this about the pond?”); break;
case 63: SetCustomToken(101, “A good day.”); break;
case 64: SetCustomToken(101, “Even when the storm clouds roll in, I worry it’s the Darkness returning.”); break;
case 65: SetCustomToken(101, “The lad chops wood all day long.”); break;
case 66: SetCustomToken(101, “Never heard of it.”); break;
case 67: SetCustomToken(101, “Nice outfit.”); break;
case 68: SetCustomToken(101, “Avoid the Farrow Flatts at night.”); break;
case 69: SetCustomToken(101, “The cows wake me up every morning.”); break;
case 70: SetCustomToken(101, “They’re calling for heavy storms tonight.”); break;
case 71: SetCustomToken(101, “Now where is that blind woman sitting today?”); break;
case 72: SetCustomToken(101, “Too many apples, not enough oranges.”); break;
case 73: SetCustomToken(101, “I don’t think I’ll make it to the outhouse!”); break;
case 74: SetCustomToken(101, “What?”); break;
case 75: SetCustomToken(101, “I’m in love! Love I say!”); break;
case 76: SetCustomToken(101, “I need a new pair of boots.”); break;
case 77: SetCustomToken(101, “Those colours do not blend well with your skin tone.”); break;
case 78: SetCustomToken(101, “Where am I? Who are you?”); break;
case 79: SetCustomToken(101, “Someone’s watching you from behind that building.”); break;
case 80: SetCustomToken(101, “Whispers say her name’s Lilly Black.”); break;
case 81: SetCustomToken(101, “The pigeons are still using the window at the house.”); break;
case 82: SetCustomToken(101, “Sorry, can’t help you.”); break;
case 83: SetCustomToken(101, “The shadows. Stay out of the shadows!”); break;
case 84: SetCustomToken(101, “She never comes out of her home.”); break;
case 85: SetCustomToken(101, “Oh, she’s up to something alright.”); break;
case 86: SetCustomToken(101, “I need a drink.”); break;
case 87: SetCustomToken(101, “My aching back.”); break;
case 88: SetCustomToken(101, “Watch it!”); break;
case 89: SetCustomToken(101, “There’s a fisherman who braves the wood during the day.”); break;
case 90: SetCustomToken(101, “The entire town rattled and shook.”); break;
case 91: SetCustomToken(101, “I don’t know if I’d wander outside of the walls myself.”); break;
case 92: SetCustomToken(101, “How do red roses turn into blue ones?”); break;
case 93: SetCustomToken(101, “Don’t look at me like that.”); break;
case 94: SetCustomToken(101, “Do you have any fresh fruit or vegetables?”); break;
case 95: SetCustomToken(101, “I’ll try, thanks.”); break;
case 96: SetCustomToken(101, “Time to sit down for a nice meal.”); break;
case 97: SetCustomToken(101, “Elgath has all sorts of strange junk about.”); break;
case 98: SetCustomToken(101, “I hear they’re gypsies.”); break;
case 99: SetCustomToken(101, “Now that’s just stupid.”); break;
case 100: SetCustomToken(101, “Ah. There you are.”); break;
return TRUE;