Okay, I got it to work but not because of the DelayCommand (although I kept the DelayCommand there just in case). What made it work is putting it right after the void main, whereas last time I put it right before the last curly brackets.
For the record I’m also adding the full OnModuleLoad script, the last two Launch_EcoSystem commands in the following script don’t work, only the first one does.
Thanks a bunch, even just consulting with you is helpful/inspirational for finding solutions!
// HCR v3.03b - added reworked DoA Gold Encumberance - CFX
// HCR v3.2.0 -
//:: FileName: HC_On_Mod_Load
#include "HC_Inc"
#include "HC_Inc_On_Load"
#include "HC_Inc_HTF"
#include "X2_Inc_Switches"
#include "eco_launch"
void main()
DelayCommand(5.0, Launch_EcoSystem()); //Works
if (!preEvent())
// Bioware Module Switches.
if (GetGameDifficulty() >= GAME_DIFFICULTY_CORE_RULES)
// * Setting the switch below will enable a seperate Use Magic Device
// * Skillcheck for rogues. This only applies to scrolls.
// * Activating the switch below will make AOE spells hurt neutral NPCS by
// * default.
// * AI: Activating the switch below will make the creaures using the WalkWaypoint function
// * able to walk across areas
// * Spells: Activating the switch below will make the Glyph of Warding spell behave differently:
// * The visual glyph will disappear after 6 seconds, making them impossible to spot
// * Craft Feats: Want 50 charges on a newly created wand? We found this unbalancing,
// * but since it is described this way in the book, here is the switch to get it back...
// * Craft Feats: Use this to disable Item Creation Feats if you do not want
// * them in your module
// * Palemaster: Deathless master touch in PnP only affects creatures up to a certain size.
// * We do not support this check for balancing reasons, but you can still activate it...
// * Epic Spellcasting: Some Epic spells feed on the liveforce of the caster. However this
// * did not fit into NWNs spell system and was confusing, so we took it out...
// *
// * Spellcasting: Some people don't like caster's abusing expertise to raise their AC
// * Uncommenting this line will drop expertise mode whenever a spell is cast by a player
// * SpellScript: This is the name of the spell router script.
// Execute the default script and set the HTF area variables.
ExecuteScript("hc_defaults", oMod);
ExecuteScript("hc_setareavars", oMod);
// Store the starting year, month, day and hour.
if (!GetPersistentInt(oMod, "HourStart"))
SetPersistentInt(oMod, "HourStart", GetTimeHour());
if (!GetPersistentInt(oMod, "DayStart"))
SetPersistentInt(oMod, "DayStart", GetCalendarDay());
if (!GetPersistentInt(oMod, "MonthStart"))
SetPersistentInt(oMod, "MonthStart", GetCalendarMonth());
if (!GetPersistentInt(oMod, "YearStart"))
SetPersistentInt(oMod, "YearStart", GetCalendarYear());
// Restore the calendar if one was saved.
int iCurYear = GetPersistentInt(oMod, "CurrentYear");
if (iCurYear > 0)
int iCurMonth = GetPersistentInt(oMod, "CurrentMonth");
int iCurDay = GetPersistentInt(oMod, "CurrentDay");
int iCurHour = GetPersistentInt(oMod, "CurrentHour");
int iCurMin = GetPersistentInt(oMod, "CurrentMin");
SetCalendar(iCurYear, iCurMonth, iCurDay);
SetTime(iCurHour, iCurMin, 0, 0);
//added for reworked DoA Gold Encumberance - CFX
object oItem = GetModuleItemLost();
if (!GetIsObjectValid(oItem)) return;
object oPC = GetModuleItemLostBy();
if (!GetIsPC(oPC)) return;
string sItemResRef = GetResRef(oItem);
/* DOA Gold Encumbrance System 1.0
+ will only fire if there is not already gold in container */
if (sItemResRef == "nw_it_gold001") ExecuteScript("doa_goldencum", oPC);
DelayCommand(5.0, Launch_EcoSystem()); //Doesn't work
DelayCommand(5.0, Launch_EcoSystem()); //Doesn't work