Outfit Set Collection

So I am making a complete outfit using my own custom stuff and a few things other people have contributed over the years, but I cant release it until I have properly given credit to those people. Which is a bit tricky because I do not recall where exactly the originals are from. I got my references mostly from the CEP…

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The hat (neck) is probably by Lisa (correct me if I am wrong). I do not know who made the chest - It was only for a regular male ( I tweaked and expanded it). also the leg and shin parts (The actual parts are things I (re)made but the textures are from the CEP models: 2DA#112).

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The final complete outfit (2DA #145) will look like this…

I am still remaking the Caladnei Sleeves. pictured is the CEP version sleeves ( I am not quite satified with how it combines with my other parts)
-The female skirt is a belt part and can be removed (first picture above) if you want to mix it with a belt-scabbard or something
-The male belt-thing is part of the pelvis so you can still belt-scabbard it


Im trailing off… so yeah, if you know who made the chest, leg and shin parts that look like the picture please do post them here so I can credit them.

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The hat is definitely Lisa and since the Caladnei model is hers, so are the sleeves. She must have been quite proud of those sleeves as she used them quite a few times in quite a few different colour combinations. I don’t recognise the chest and as you’ve remade the legs I don’t reccognise them either.


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The chest was ported over from KOTOR, uploaded to the vault by John Barleycorn.


I don’t know about the shins, but they are in CEP. Perhaps an armor pack from Mass Effect, KOTOR or Eurgiga?

Thighs could be from Realms of Mythology Clothing Pack



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Thanks Tarot and Fester,
I did not know Lisa did creatures. I love her work even more now.
Did not find the right pants source in the Realms of Mythology pack, but it did lead me to the original I was looking for, and it was… (wait for it)… Lisa, again
Not sure if she is still here but I would like to thank her for her awesome stuff.
and I will be expanding a lot more of them.