Party creation size?

I’ve never changed this because I haven’t ever had loads of companions but I’ve started MotB and wondered if I change the campaign settings for party creation size to 6 can I have everybody all at once ?

I know it’s cheating but I quite like the idea of just running around everywhere and obliterating everything and this is a subtle way of doing it. Who’s to say that with my favoured soul’s charisma nobody could bare to leave him ?

Talking of charisma this had me in fits… The ending’s awesome !


Put no points into charisma … and strike first!

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But in NWN2 you can leave CHA alone and still put points in Diplomacy, etc. to deal with social situations making it a matter of skill vs natural ability.

Yeah just change it on the campaign settings to 6 is the easiest way. Modding is about modifying the game to play the way you want to play. You can do it with this script too (however this requires more work to ensure it runs across all the desired mods). There are several restrictor scripts too, I believe in the OC so they will need to be modified (just use the main override file).

//:: ga_party_size.nss
//:: Set number of Roster NPC slots available in the Party Selection GUI
//:: Created by: BMA-OEI
//:: Created on: 10/18/05

#include “ginc_debug”

void main(int nSize)
PrettyMessage("ga_party_limit: setting roster slot size to " + IntToString(nSize));
SetRosterNPCPartyLimit(nSize = 6);


Awesome, thank you !

Or use the MotB Makeover which allows this as well as other enhancements and new area.

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I’m already right into it so I don’t really want to start swapping stuff around it will probably go wrong, if I play it again I think I will because I have zero conversation skills and it’s a bit annoying.

On a side note Mr Silverwand I just checked my first module and you helped me with that many moons ago along with other survivors rjshae, Lance_Botelle and kamal. This means when I was absolutely clueless about modding you lot knew what you were doing !

Outstanding service to the community awards all round I think…

Moderators start polishing the medals !


Help… Changing the party creation size to 6 doesn’t work, the game won’t let me have more than 3 companions. I checked with the toolset and it had reset to 4 so I did it again… I changed the number in the campaign editor plugin and saved the campaign. Closed the toolset, opened it again and it had gone back to 4 !

I even did it with a MotB module open just in case that was doing something but it still went back to 4.

Any ideas ?

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Silly question but did you start a new campaign after making and saving the change? This only works with a new game, it will not affect a save.

It’s not that it affected the save it’s not showing in the campaign editor it resets back to 4 every time I change it. This means that I’m probably too late now to implement it because I started the game presuming it was going to work.

I went to have companion number 4 ( Okku ) and he said I had to get rid of somebody so I checked the campaign editor and the party creation limit was back to 4 instead of 6.

It’s really annoying, I changed other campaign settings and they all stayed changed.

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This might work:

// gc_num_comps    <-- script must have this name
// Overrides party limit in MOTB when adding companions through their dialog.
// Place this in your override.

int StartingConditional( string sCheck )
	return FALSE;

Unfortunately it didn’t work, I exported it ( it became an erf if that is correct ) with the right name and put it in the override. The screen definitely jumped during a joining conversation but it went back to the "who do you want to get rid of lines again.

edit… But your script pointed me in the right direction. I went into a conversation and changed the is greater than number on the joining line condition… It worked.

As a thought is it possible to permanently set a condition to something in the override ? For example making gc_num_comps = 1

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I just want to rule out something…Discard any changes you might have made to the gc_num_comps script or the companion dialog. Also, remove any old gc_num_comps script from your override.
Next, extract this into your override:

Go into game and try to get the companion to join. Does it still fail to let the companion join? If it does fail, which companion are you trying to get to join?

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I did as you requested and it worked, the script I put in the override was an erf not an ncs or nss and there was only one of it, yours is two.

Either way you can still retain your scripting genius title along with the always keeping it down to the bare bones accreditation.


I was messing about with your script and discovered if I compile it and don’t export it I get the ncs and nss in a temp file which I then put in the MotB campaign folder and it’s fine.

It’s when you export and get an erf that it doesn’t work. Unfortunately my campaign scripts and conversation tabs haven’t existed for years, somehow they disappeared and never came back. I just use the “open conversation script” thing if i want to get to anything campaign and move conversations ( never touch scripts, copy and paste or using a template is easier ) manually into the campaign folder if they cross modules.

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You can force them to return if you quit the toolset, then go to "C:\Users<your name>\AppData\Local\NWN2 Toolset" (*) and rename “WindowConfig.xml” to “WindowConfig_old.xml” (or delete the file, but with the renaming scheme you have a backup if anything goes wrong, or if you changed the default positions and sizes of the windows you would be able to just copy them in the new file that will be created at the next step).
Relaunch the toolset, it will recreate the xml file, and all the tabs will be there.

(*) For me, the path is actually “C:\Users<your name>\AppData\Local\NWN2 Toolset\fr-FR”, so maybe you’ll need to open an extra folder with the language you selected at the installation.


Thanks, that’s good to know in case I lose anything else that I actually use but I know I’ll only lose them again if i bring them back.

edit… Alright I admit, I couldn’t resist doing it and it works just putting old, thank you… But how long will they last this time ?


As I recall it is a bug in the toolset that the campaign number always reverts to 4 even when it isn’t.

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Nice bug… :bug:

Toolset reverting campaign adjustments back to original setting… Annoying evil bug !

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