Party Editor Problem

I downloaded the package from Silverwand Sundries that enables the SoZ Party Register book to open the Party Editor GUI. That part works.

The problem is when I open the Party Editor, I can create characters and select any character in my Local Vault folder, but I cannot add them to the party. The Add button is not lit and does not function.

Party creation is enabled in the campaign settings and party size is set to 4. Everything else in the game works normally.

Any ideas what I missed?

I remember a similar problem.
By any chance, is this a module you just recently made a campaign for? (i.e. the mod did not have an associated campaign before your recent modifications).

In that case I’ll quote myself for another mod I made:

If by any chance, you are a module creator that runs this campaign for the first time, or you are trying to implement this change in an old module that was NOT associated to any campaign, do not forget to open it with the Toolset first and then use the “Set Module to Use Selected Campaign” button. You will get a message that will tell you to save the module and reopen it with the toolset for the change to have effect.

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I had already set the module as the starting module for the campaign. When I tried to also Associate it with the campaign, the toolset crashed. Got a bad feeling about that.

I’ll try again this evening.

I don’t know if this helps, but I saved the campaign, then restarted toolset, then I associated the module then saved again.

I don’t know if creating the campaign requires you to restart toolset before you can associate.

This could all be non-sense as well.


You and MagicalWisps were correct. I had to close the campaign editor and save the module. Just to be safe I closed the entire toolset and restarted. New bugs just popped up of course but that’s to be expected.

Thanks everyone!


Glad it is working for you.

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