Problems with walkmesh

More NWN2 building import fun!

This blacksmith placeable has a porch, but the porch has a walkmesh that doesn’t allow you to step up onto this very small deck:

I am not very familiar with walkmeshes beyond the basics, is there a way to manipulate one so that you can step onto the deck? It appears to already be adhering to the actual geometry of the model, which would have been my first guess.

  • May

In NWN1 placeables WMs are just plain flat (they’re just blocking the walk), so no walking onto the deck. There is a trick, but it limits the possibilities of the locations, where you can place that placeable:

Oh well, one could try Black Riders trick.

I would simply remove half or 2/3rds of the porch, then the PC could reach the door.

Have you considered, that building-placeables won’t show up on the minimap?

Yeah nothing for that though, this tileset is beautiful but has no buildings, and also I want to have buildings on curves and angles, which NWN1 doesn’t really support (short of making a bespoke group/feature I guess, but I don’t know how to do it…)

Fwiiw, this is the original. As you can see, some of the textures are “a bit” different. The windows in the upper part are in a wrong position already.


I guess, we will fix the wrong texture reference in CEP eventually, but won’t do any further improvement.

What is it? Early winter? IMO the best winter tileset I’ve ever seen, by Zwerkules). It has no buildings and no palisade. I already thought about moving stuff from Barbaric north into it.

Yep, that’s the one.

I actually like the different “white” textures on roof etc in these ones, they mesh well with the winter theme which is why I was using them … but the townhall didn’t get that “upgrade” quite as well as the others…

I use a lot of Placeable Buildings. I use 2 possible workarounds:

  1. lower the placeable until the placeable walknesh gets overriden by the tile, and then apply a movement blocker plc to limit PC walkable area.

  2. leave the plc at tile height and add trigger transition before the plc walkmesh blocks PC movement.

In this case I would go with option 2, but I would could give one more try:

You can try to download this Zwerkules’ tileset
Export the 4 tiles that make up for the building you are placing, including the walkmesh.
Rename tiles and wok to a new mdl name.
Replace the texture call to the ones that you need (this is the part that I don’t know if will work, cause I don’t know how the tiles are reffering to it’s textures)
Add the 4 mdls as placeables in placeables.2da
Once you have them as plcs, all you have to do es set them on the area centered with the area tiles.
You should end up with a modified height map…
I have done this with ProjectQ Cliffs, but never thought about doing the same thing with buildings, because I think you have to work with a lot of movement blockers… unless you mess with the walkmesh.

I don’t know if I was clear enough…



I think this is the blg in Z’s tileset.

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WOW, Zwerkules fixed all the bugs I found with the CEP variant … the windows, the textures. Plus, ist has a proper walkmesh and working doors. It should be easy to move this as tilegroup to the winter.

Truth being told… It is the first time I download this tileset. I think I haven’t done it before because it has no pics.

It’s really nice and with lots of features and add-ons, as always with Zs works.

It’s a sad thing, that I preferred Barbaric North over it, but I needed Buildings and a Palisade and a longhouse and …

yeah i usually lower them myself in max or i make a 3d pwk instead of a flat plane i make a block and then i can sink it all i want in the toolset and it’ll still block walking. this can be done in blender pretty easy and its a free program!

I did my very best to clean up the placeable model, so if you still want to have it, here it is:
Townhall.7z (24.9 KB)

The windows are completely fixed. There are still no doors. And you can’t walk up the stairs.

The texture of the CEP-Placeable fits better to a winter environment, I think. But if I were you, I would rather move Zwerkules’ tiles into the winterlandscape and treat it’s texture with some icing sugar.


Thank you for the effort, it’s much appreciated!