Removing riding

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but if you make the skill unavailable to all player classes, players should never be able to see it. So no need to alter the TLK. The feats can be dealt with in a similar fashion.

I’d probably not repurpose their lines for anything else either. For one thing, the system is kind of embedded in the monster AI, so unless you’re doing custom AI, it could become a source of unexpected behavior.

There’s also something to be said for keeping the custom TLK and 2da’s tidy if there’s going to be a lot of new skills, feats, etc. in general.

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Problem is, Ride skill is given to new PCs and may be in use for imported PCs. I guess you could remove it OnClientEnter.

Actually Ride skill does nothing in official scripts, but I agree with the sentiment that repurposing is error-prone.

There are many reasons why a creature might speak a different language. I played around with this in my Dark Energy module. The essential relationship is

{Creature} speaks one or more {Language}

so you probably need a language list on the creature template, with area / race / universal defaults.

Linking language to a particular 2da (e.g. race) might be too restrictive.

Not sure what you envisage for the Speak Language skill. My solution was that the PC can understand other languages when one of their companions can translate, and when they have a universal translate item equipped.

I’m assuming a servervault situation for the hypothetical PW in question here. A localvault scenario would need to approach this differently.

Yes, its a server vault, mostly because I intend to alter some classes/races and add others, so there wouldn’t be a wide compatability with existing characters.

I may split off the discussion of language stuff to another thread - its very interesting and I value the input, but a little OT :slight_smile:

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Looks about and whispers

…I still use alignment languages in my PnP game…

Turns and raises cowl. (2 ten-sided dice tumble across the table) Poof. Hidden

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Okay, returning to this one a little bit: removing the Feats as suggested does remove it from the menu.
For the skill, I was trying to override the string for the skill with a message that it is not supported in my module.

However, despite creating a .tlk which has values that state this, and ensuring the module is using that .tlk file, only default text appears in game, suggesting that .tlk is not being applied somehow.

Any ideas?

Did you put it in the default tlk? That won’t work since the client will have its own copy. You want to make a custom tlk and change the 2da entries to point to the new line numbers in that.

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I made a custom tlk to which there are custom strings for the existing resrefs as pointed to in skills.2da … I suppose I should make them point to entirely new entries?

Oh I got it and get you, the id numbers in the custom tlk DO NOT end up being the same as the resref line number. Once I fixed that everything is all synced up!

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Thinking more on this in general, I suppose you can edit or disable mount and riding behavior by changing the x3_s3_horse script.

Removing the radial actions, skills and feats outright will require 2da edits. But this should work in theory, no haks required, right?

There’s still some bits and pieces that fire occasionally and make a mess, and are really tricky to figure out what’s going on (i.e. the pc_skin stuff + polymorphed creatures).

I don’t know if the horse actions are populated from the class feat lists anymore, but that’s an easy try and see.

Replacing the x3_s3_horse mount actions script with a blank main function seems to work. The paladin’s summon mount script X3_S3_PalMount can be edited or removed similarly.

A servervault environment will want to edit the 2da’s to remove the feats/skills too. But that might not be what you want for a localvault game where players should be able to import/export characters, so it’s nice to have a solution that’s entirely in the module’s NWScript.

i’m a bit late to the party, but since i don’t see this thread as marked ‘solved’, i’ll throw in my two coppers.

you don’t have to do all that mucking about w/feat.2da and the talk table, there’s a fairly simply way to disable riding [although not remove it].

  • change the entries under ‘Untrained’ and ‘AllClassesCanUse’ for ride in skills.2da from 1 to 0.
  • edit all cls_skill*.2da and simply remove [do not ‘0’] the ride skill.
  • edit cls_feat_pal.2da and star-out the entries in the line for FEAT_PALADIN_SUMMON_MOUNT.
  • in order to disable the horse menu for pc’s who already have it, add the following at the beginning of x3_s3_horse.nss :
	SendMessageToPC(oPC, "You can't ride.");

the ride skill is no longer usable untrained and no classes can ever train in it, so no players will have access to it. it won’t even show up on level-up skill menus. this approach also precludes riding-orientated feats, which require at least 1 rank in ride.

since no set of advantages ever comes w/o some disadvantages, here are the limitations to this approach :

  • even though it will no longer be usable, the horse menu will still appear on player radials [but w/a bit more effort you can clean this up too ; see below].
  • ‘imported’ pre-existing characters whose players spent points on ride will be illegal.
  • players of ‘imported’ pre-existing characters w/riding feats will whinge that they can no longer use them.

since you mentioned this is for a pw, the world’s game master can set the policy such as not allowing the import of pre-existing characters, which should also obviate the last two limitations.

if you really want the full monty, you could spend a bit more time and do the following :

  • you can edit x3_mod_def_enter.nss as mentioned in earlier posts and comment out HorseAddHorseMenu(oPC), which will ensure that the menu isn’t added to pc’s who don’t already have it.
  • you could also edit the 11 base class cls_feat_*.2da files starring-out the entries for FEAT_HORSE_MENU, which will ensure that no new pc’s ever get it automatically.

so it depends on how fastidious you want to be, really.

my own personal opinion about the pc skin is that you should leave it, because it’s really incredibly useful for many things besides riding.

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Late to the party but very useful info, thanks! I’ve been meaning to learn how to add or change feats.

The PC skin is fine per se, it doesn’t normally appear. The problem is that it’s getting added to the inventory not the PC skin slot. And we obviously don’t want players manipulating it/throwing it away/etc. Moreover it was creating duplicates so … not great.

I think I’ll take those last two hints and get rid of the horse menu entirely.

Take the x3_inc_skin from here and recompile any scripts that include x3_inc_skin and I think you should not get the PC properties skin showing up anymore. Remove PC Properties | The Neverwinter Vault

This problem has been around since 1.69 came out. It usually effects characters created with earlier games but if you are seeing them you must have changed something that’s tickling it. Used to show up on first rest and when you cast certain spells if I recall.

Also when killed. The on_death script seems to improperly create it in the inventory. I haven’t changed that script specifically, but it might not be happy with how I am trying to disable riding.

You don’t have code that unequips everything ondeath, say when sending them to the death realm or whatever, do you?

No, I do have a bleedout script but it unequips nothing, and when I disable it this persists. I’ll look into that script.

Another thing I noticed, not sure if its from vanilla or CEP, probably both, but the tail and wings slots have a TON of riding related stuff in them. I’ll need to cut it out.