Bughunting I stumbled upon a phenomen in EE 80.8193.9. In the chat field I enter:
##DebugMode 1
##renderaabb 1
This should show you the walkmesh and it looks like this:
Now, the same group in 1.69:
This is not a random phenomene. It always happens to the same tile - either AABB (walkmesh) is rendered or it is not.
Here is a larger scene in EE:
At the bottom (black part), a road (variant) tile continues.
BTW. It’s the Witcher 1 rural custom tileset. For the first two screens I built both test modules from scratch = two different modules using the same HAK, so not a 1.69 module loaded into EE. The 3rd screen is the 1.69 demo module loaded into EE.
Edit: And here is one with the vanilla rural set tile ttr01_h01_02 (curve):
Can anybody explain this to me?