The OP wants to move over 1000 custom placeable.2da entries to unreserved lines. They have tried using moneo to change the appearance references in the .git and .utp files. However, some of the .utp files are being ignored, and the script eventually fails with an access violation.
Is there another way to do this? Using some other tool to run letoscript, pehaps?
If I wanted to do this, I would probably write a own macro which works on binary basis. But this is a lot of work … (So I don’t want to do this )
The question is, if always the same files crashes the process or if there are different files involved.
However it seems advisable to divide the job in smaller steps, processing only a limited number of files at once. Maybe trying a different OS (i. e. Vista)
Btw. which module we are talking about? How many files are there in?
Obviously he has the blueprints that aren’t changed in hak.
Need to move from hak to module, then letoscript module, then move back if needs to be or keep in module.
He also needs to mass replace IDs of placeables placed inside areas. Here is sample moneo/letoscript script for this:
%mod = 'arkhalia.mod' or die $!;
for ('*.git' in %mod)
for (/{'Placeable List'})
if(/~/Appearance == 1234)
/~/Appearance = 2234;
print "\ndone.";
%mod = '>';
close %mod;
It’s pretty easy to do with Niv’s old nwnlib ruby tools. It has a mode to run a filter as it converts a file. So you convert all the utp with a filter that modifies the appearance entry (adds 10000 or whatever) if the current appearance in in the range needing to move.
I don’t have a pointer the tools handy but the gem package manager tool for ruby should find it. Might be nwn-lib now that I think about it. It does mean writing a short ruby script to do the filtering…
nwscript at this point is close to doing it alone, one stop shop with nwnx. Can fix the tempates (template to json, nw_inc_gff has the script functions needed). Exporting is tricky (can export object to the sqlite db), but while getting a template file back from that is possible, I don’t know the best and easiest how. Can fixed instanced stuff in areas, you can get changed area .git files from a save game, which is minorly tricky and possibly going to cause more probs than solves but everything comes with the game to do that.
moneo can do both, but is cranky with new OS and uses a weird syntax for which good luck finding the old weathersong forums where it explained everything these days. shadguy has a script collection here, there’s probably others.
I talked to iExtremist on discord, he managed to get moneo working, but it doesn’t like certain files of his. Can’t confirm yet, but running them through the nim-tools fixed them enough that it may work out with moneo.
An alternative is something similar to nwn_gff (from the nim tools) it uses a different json structure for gff files that makes text search/replace much easier (I’ve done mass changes to items/etc this way, but sounds like it would have been way easier with this.)