Romance pack for the NWN2 OC-MotB not working properly

Hello! I was told that I could perhaps find help here with the mod problem I have. In fact, this is propably the only place I can find help, since the original mod forum is pretty much dead :sweat_smile:

I have the Romance pack installed properly (I’ve made sure of that) but I’ve only had content from Casavir’s and Sand’s romance (playing as female PC). Bishop’s romance is a bust, I’ve played through the vigil in Act 2 and so far I’ve only had an interjection when rescuing Shandra and an appearance during the vigil. I don’t have a flirt menu, no love talks, no interjection with the gnome painter in Blacklake District. I don’t have any romance variables in the globals.xml and I’ve checked that I’ve done everything right from the scripts and conversations in Toolset.

I’m at my wits end here, I’ve tried everything I can think of, including reading all the posts in the mod’s forum and Bishop romance forum THREE TIMES :joy: I’ve played the mod once about 13 years ago with Win7 (or Vista) and everything was fine aside from couple of script misfires and standard NWN2 problems. Now I’m using Win11 and I got the NWN2 Complete from GOG.

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Fixed, it was dublicate files from NWN2 Fixes patch I didn’t even realized I had (I installed the game and the mods a year ago). I deleted the files from player-master and now everything is working as it should :grin:


what files?

I’m betting it’s not your nwn2 fixes, but that pack someone uploaded of their preferences, as that included a lot of their preferences for romance.

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50 of one/half dozen of the other

just thinking it would be good to have the files noted …

They were all dialogue files:


The version of NWN2 Fixes I had was propably from fall 2022 but I switched it to the new version when I was trying to fix this issue.