So i wondering about rules regarding custom portrait uploads.
I mean copyrights of original creators of images that were used to create portraits.
Can i upload portraits i created for my personal use?
What i mean by that is do i need a consent from every artist i create portrait of to upload it to this site.
I do not want to create unpleasantness for this site or for me.
Just wanted to be sure about it before i do something.
Thanks for the info,
From the site guidelines:
For artwork obtained from other sites, if there are no explicit terms, assume you need permission.
For works obtained from the Vault, the default Free & Open license means no further permission is required.
Ok, so i cannot upload my stuff.
I wish i could share my creations.
I downloaded so many images from so many different authors it would be frankly impossible to get all the permissions.
Thanks for the clarification.
That’s Vault policy.
Personal opinion - which the Vault doesn’t necessarily endorse - when it comes to portraits, it’s often impossible to identify the author, or get a response from them. In such cases, in my own module credits, I often link to the source, explaining the difficulty. Where the author is known but unresponsive, I add “all rights reserved”.
This is not strictly speaking correct - something I do at my own risk - but arguably pragmatic.
People are just too offended in this dying age so better be safe than sorry.