In case anyone was having trouble with this, I wanted to post a quick heads-up that I just discovered and fixed a problem with the “downloads link” for the Sanctum module and tlk files. The links in the download PDF should begin working again shortly. There’s a post to my modules page with the details of what happened (short version: my ISP messed up), along with direct workaround links to use in the meantime if anyone needs them.
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Just a heads-up that I gave Surazal the OK to publish a NIT installer rule for the Sanctum of the Archmage modules. I was able to test enough of a mod install using it to be confident that it works fine.
There’s also a potential issue with links in the current “download PDF” that anyone having trouble with them may want to check out. There’s a description of the problem and a workaround here.
A lot of RL stuff in recent years has kept me from having much time to participate in the Vault community. That seems to be winding down enough that I should be around more in the new year. I posted a bit about that for those interested on my module page here.