Script to make henchmen use Remove Disease


I’m trying to complement a henchmen script, I’m trying by looking at the magic examples in the script. It is used through conversation:

“I want you to use Remove Disease.”
Text appears when…

    int StartingConditional()
    int iResult;

    return iResult;

Actions Taken

    void main()

       {DecrementRemainingFeatUses(OBJECT_SELF, FEAT_REMOVE_DISEASE);

“In who do you want to cast?”
Action taken

    // Generate custom toekns for multiple henchmen.

void main()
    object oPC = GetPCSpeaker();
    int i = 1;
    object oHench = GetHenchman(oPC, i);
    while(oHench != OBJECT_INVALID)
        SetCustomToken(77100 + i, GetName(oHench));
        oHench = GetHenchman(oPC, i);

“In me”
Action taken

    // the henchman targets the PC with the spell

void main()
    SetLocalObject(OBJECT_SELF, "Henchman_Feat_Target", GetPCSpeaker());

“One moment.”
Action taken

    // Remove the flag for henchmen of casting a group of spells.

void main()

Well, I copied the other targets but just this doesn’t work anyway. What’s wrong? Can somebody help me out?

Thank you very much!

I managed to find the answers in a module, the creator put exactly what I needed. The module is Red Moon Rising.

If this is solved, it would be nice if you were to click the “Solution” button on the post where the solution is.

Thank you.


Ok I will. I’m not used to using forums. I’m sorry.