In my quest to get a bit better at scripting…I’m sure there are several here that knows the answer to this question. I tried for a bit myself but couldn’t get it to work the way I wanted.
I’m using a general trigger to trigger a conversation instead of SpeakTrigger. However, I really like SpeakTrigger and in conjunction with cutscene mode I’ve found that it works really well and mostly without bugs. Now, here’s the thing. I would like to use SpeakTrigger but depending on different situations the NPC that triggers the conversation will be different. That’s why I can’t use the SpeakTrigger in this case (since in the variables I put which NPC to be the owner of the conversation and I want different NPCs depending on different circumstances). I found that SpeakTrigger uses the function DoSpeakTrigger that is stored in ginc_trigger. Now to my question: How or where in the script can I modify the NPC string? Can I do a custom inlcude ginc_trigger script and somehow there point out that if this or that has happened (maybe by a global or local int) and that those different things changes which NPC string is to be used? (Gaah, this is hard to explain) Where in this case in the script do I point out the NPC string…?
To try and clarify, I would like to know where or how to change the NPC string in this script, in the ginc trigger or something like that, maybe by making a custom ginc_trigger script. When using SpeakTrigger you change this in variables of the trigger. But I would like to have two or three alternative NPC strings there, depending on what has happened before in the story. So where do I put that in the script…
If someone is able to understand what I need I’m grateful. I’m getting dizzy just trying to explain this…