Search function

The site’s search function seems to not really be functional? For example if I do a direct search for “shadow dragon” on this site, I got no real results (safe for some hits for NWN1). But this
ought to show up

Is the only way to do searches for content via google?

On the top left of every page of the main site there is a search box. Using that with “shadow dragon” returns 9 pages of results. So I edited that search term to “nwn2 shadow dragon” and the very first one at the top of the list of results was the one you provided a link to. Moral of the story, refine your search term and use the search facility and not the one you’ll find under projects.


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I had no issue finding it searching for Shadow Dragon. It’s the last entry on the result list.


As FP gave you a link I decided to re-run the search. The second time it was the second one in the list. The first one may also be of interest to you. Here are the search results. Also this list of NwN2 creature projects (the 1st in the search results) may be of interest even though it’s quite old now.


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