I’ve implemented this system successfully a few years ago
, but seem to be having a hard time now.
How do I do this: Modify the module’s item activation script to use the “UseHorseSummoningStone(object oPC, object oItem)” function from “inc_simplehorse” (after checking if it is a horse summoning stone with “GetIsItemHorseSummoningStone(object oItem)”); if the module uses tag-based scripting, make scripts with that function call named “it_horsestone01”, “it_horsestone02”, “it_horsestone03” and “it_horsestone04”.
Either way works for me. I just need it to work. I get compile errors both way. I know it’s probably something simple that I’m overlooking.
It is hard to tell from your question and examples: the Module OnActivate object script needs to find the user and the object used before you can ask it to use the script you are calling.
#include "inc_simplehorse"
void main()
object oItem = GetItemActivated();
object oPC = GetItemActivator();
if (GetIsItemHorseSummoningStone(oItem))//Edited out the error - sorry!
UseHorseSummoningStone(oPC, oItem);