Simple_poject_by _XD

Hello everyone.
In this thread I will publish my small projects and links to them to make it easier for you to find them.

released projects


2)project mini-lessons
I know this is a rough tutorial, but I’m sure beginners will find it useful and more descriptive than textbooks.(creating area, interior-exterior,creating quests,transition from 1 location to 2)

channel link

project_1 = module = (status frozen)
project_2 = weapon = several pieces (status in work)
project_3 = cutscenes = (status frozen)
in the future (or maybe not)

How to understand whether I am active or not
everything is just a scale
1 = if I was active on the forum last month or the month before last, then I am most likely active.
2 = if I am not active on the forum for more than 8 months on the forum, then I am not working on projects, and most likely left the site for some reason.


NWN2_Projects active
project_1 = Fast world map ( blueprint )
project_2 = Tower-castle defence game simple demo done/loking ideas for step two.this is td game with 4 fractions you need protect castle)demo publish soon-this is smal tower defence +action+strategy game.(need 3 steps to done now step two)

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I will post more or less regularly on my channel if anyone is interested. (promo and wip projects)
I’m currently busy with towers and some items.
(promo and wip - YouTube)

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